is it safe to link ur... quick answers plz

Big Yoda you're beginning to annoy me, if you don't know then why post?

And yeah I've done it, no problems :)
They havent introduced it yet sorry...

I think it was 750 stars for 1000 points when they were testing it...either that or 750 for 2000.
Ive done it and it must be safe.
Btw I thought it was going to be for every 4 star points you get 1 wii point.
They wouldn't give me my account back for that because I'm an idiot. (long story)
But it does work =D
Nintendo wouldnt let you link accounts if it wasn't safe, duh. I have done it, btw, loads of stuff happens. You get 1000 free wii points aswell. joking buddy, im talking **** except from the first sentence or so.