MOH:H2 - cant jump into games. Please help.

yeah guys it happened to me 2! u know... can get into lobby but not games! i suppose ea would sort it out soon but PLEASE hurry up ea god dammit! i wanna own sum guys! also, how do u set up the chat thingie in the lobby? p.s ill add u guyz...
It keeps happening to me and its really annoying me :mad5: for the last few days I can't get into a single game
i think i know how to (maybe) get onto a game, those of you that cant atm. well, i was on the lobby and if you havent already noticed all of the games on the ea server (little ea logo) are down, connection problems n all. and i went on a non-ea server (no logo) and it just disconnected me u know 50/50 chance wether ull get on or not so if we make loads of non-ea server games (dunno how) then we will probably get on a few games b4 ea get their network back up! yey! jus thought id share that little idea with yooz... =)
Not to sound like a jerk but I haven't had any problems connecting or gettting kicked in the last few days while you guys are having these problems.

I played yesterday morning for over an hour, yesterday evening for almost 2 hours and just after midnight for over an hour and not one problem.

I'm not sure what the problem is.
Scott_F said:
hey guys. just to let you know i think its ok again. i went on this morning and had no connection problems whatsoever. got straight in to a game played 10 minutes and got my score up 6; very happy.

I'm thinking of setting up a game at about 6 O'clock tonight GMT time i'll call it wiichat and make a password off chat. Mind you i'm only going to make the game if a few people say there going to play so tell me if you want to join :] should be fun.


By the way peeps please add me to your friend list on Medal of honor. My name is SCOTTY 2209.

mine aint working yet but if it does ill play im Charlybean add me if you like
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Phishfood said:
i think i know how to (maybe) get onto a game, those of you that cant atm. well, i was on the lobby and if you havent already noticed all of the games on the ea server (little ea logo) are down, connection problems n all. and i went on a non-ea server (no logo) and it just disconnected me u know 50/50 chance wether ull get on or not so if we make loads of non-ea server games (dunno how) then we will probably get on a few games b4 ea get their network back up! yey! jus thought id share that little idea with yooz... =)

the little ea symbols next to the game indicate whether or not the game is ranked. so no symbol = not ranked whereas symbol = ranked; all the games use the same server.
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man just tried to play a few minutes ago and the bloody servers a re still not working even though i got into a game this morning ... :wtf:

anyways best be optimistic; tomorrow ea's IT guys go back to work and hopefully they will be able to sort out the problem with the servers.

heres to some decent online game time tomorrow :D
you guys that are having connectivity problems with EA's servers need to try changing the channel on your router from 1 to 11. Channel 1 is the default. I did a little research with EA as I was having a similar problem just getting my account set up. Once I changed the router channel setting, I haven't been booted since. Call tech support for your router if you don't know how to change the channel. I did that, it took like 5 minutes, and has fixed all my connectivity problems. Hope that helps, I know how frustrutating this can be.