Need help with Wii connecting through laptop for internet


WiiChat Member
Mar 29, 2009
The setup im trying to accomplish is:

I want the wii to use my laptops wireless connection to the internet.

I have my laptop connected to the internet via Verizon Wireless Card

I have the wii usb lan adapter plugged in the back of te wii. With a ethernet cable coming from the adapter to a lan port on my laptop.

I do not have a router that I can use to illiminate my problem.

Is this possible?

If so I believe my problem lies in the configuration on y laptop.

I have tried a lot of things including configuring the ip, setting my broadband to private instead of public...?

Plase help, I have been trying for months off and on with different ideas that I got from youtube and google pages that were found?

thanks too all