Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

Darkprinny said:

Some of the pics I used where found I just added to them

Not what I meant. You tend to put a twist on already finished work, but you never claim the original content of those pictures as your own. Though I do know that some of your work is also entirely original.


Here's another request I filled in the Request Thread here, any thoughts for improvement?.. :

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Copyright the best animation studio ever Studio Ghibli
..............Bugger I think shes under age
Checeks the Wiki
Age not stated

Anyway the sig

This is version 1.0 there might be a addition to it
Nice work Gikou and Prinny :)

Gikou: Nice use of render positioning, colours and effects. Also, good use of text. Keep up the good work.

DarkPrinny: Nice animation effects on the signature, I like it. :)

Regarding Popert:

In the past, Popert had been known for ripping others work and claiming as his own by just throwing his name on the signature. He was warned on several occasions, yet, he decided to ignore the Graphics Community. Finally, Popert made a tutorial on a certain signature and I mentioned that if I was to come across it on another website made by someone else that he would be banned and his tutorial would be deleted. However, he claimed it as his own and I went on my way. Finally, Close posted two images and a link to a tutorial similar to Popert's proving that he in fact did rip the work. So, I banned him. Now I'm not saying that Popert was a bad member. To be honest, I liked him. However, ripping is a serious offense and to avoid various warnings is no excuse. Thus, Popert was banned for ripping others work.

Close said:


Looks like you layer ripped the render with the blue circle :/

Second time ripping Popert.​
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Edit: Never mind, I can ^_^


Meh, not perfect but I rather like it..

2nd Edit:


3rd Edit :lol::

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Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page Dont be bottom of the page

New sig
I think I need to work more on text
Man, where'd all the good sig makers go?...I MEANNN. Nice work everyone. :)

Gikoku, love the effects, and I think the blank space on the right actually suits that style very well, however SOMETHING back there (perhaps light, light brushing) would make it even better. The only other thing I would change is erasing the smudge on Samus's gun. Great job.
Keep up the great work everyone.

At Gikoku: That is a very nice piece, especially the left side of it. Nicely done.

I had some free time, so I created a new Sig. I will post it as soon as Photobucket is back online. :)

EDIT: Photobucket is back online. :lol:

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Very nice work Byuakuya. Great render positioning, text positioning, use of light, and border. Keep up the good work. :)
Byuakuya said:
EDIT: Photobucket is back online. :lol:


Man, that is awesome, Byu. :)

I really love the smudging you did in the background, and the text is well done also (including it's placement). The only part that kinda bugs me is that piece in the lower left-corner. Though it fills up the empty space there, it seems kind of distracting because of it's quality (like there's too much Sharpen on it.). Other than that, the color choice really brings alot of attention to my eyes (and the girl ain't half bad either). :D


And another request I filled in the other thread, thoughts?:

Aww, Rachy. It's all about trial & error with sig making, don't get dowwwn.

Pras, awesome work. I agree with Syntax and Gikoku completely, nice job. :)

Gikoku, I'll C&C you later when I'm not on my Wii. :p
Thanks for the feedback guys.


First Sig request: That looks very nice. The splatter brushing goes with the flow and the overall piece gives off a "Bleach" sort of look. Nicely done.

Second Sig request: I really like the background on this one. It does appear to be a little bright when compared to the render, but overall, it is a great piece. :)