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I was thinking about the iPod song thing. 1 2 3 4 by Feist. Quite catchy. :lol:

1 2 3 4 tell me that you love me more. 5 6 9 10 something something something something...
lol, i'm 6"2, 250ish lbs
I cant wrap my hand around my arm. My hands are big, but my arms are way bigger T.T
Guess I qualify as fat...
Well, I lift, so most of it is muscle.
FRuMMaGe said:
You have to recover step by step. If you try and "cure" yourself then you will probably fail and will feel worse about yourself.

I just started by eating a little bit at a time and trying not to throw most of it up.

I can eat pretty much what I want now though

Anorexia isn't a body type, it's a state of mind
...It isn't a mindframe at all, it's a disease :\
I don't remember who said what (plus we're watching football), so just a few random comments:

Abs/BF - since you can't isolate fat burn, general cardio and diet (not diet'ING) will determine how your belly looks (there's an old adage that "abs are made in the kitchen").

People also talk about mass vs. defintion (and incorrectly talk about weight vs. reps) - in truth, muscles grow, they don't "define" or alter themselves into a more "cut" structure. Build mass, reduce BF, there's your cut look. Lower weight, higher reps just result in more cardio response, reduce BF, and result in the above.

Eating - healthy is the way to go: no HFCS, no tranfats (both of those are just toxic), whole grain (much better than processed, plus whole grain uses way more energy to burn), then a proper balance of lean protein, carbs, healthy fats (Omega 3's, unsat'ed from Almonds, Olive Oils - stuff that evelates your HDL).

Does that mean bland chicken, rice and unseasoned vegs? No way - we do chicken parm, fajitas, chili, fish (even fried) also faux fried, pita pizzas for lunch, lean red meats, all sorts of delicious food. We also loosen up a little on the weekends.
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FRuMMaGe said:
No, it's a disorder.
Debatable. Many doctors conclude it has a physical cause instead of/in addition to an mental one.
Anyways, though. It's not a "state of mind", is what I meant.
Celeste said:
Debatable. Many doctors conclude it has a physical cause instead of/in addition to an mental one.
Anyways, though. It's not a "state of mind", is what I meant.
I know it's not a state of mind, but he obviously didn't know anything about it so I was trying to put it into a context he could understand
[@ DT]

Effing win, man.

Here's a touchy subject on my BB forum that I'm not really sure where I stand yet. I'm debating trying it out:

A lot of ectomorphs there have decided to throw down calories without thinking about the fat content. In all seriousness, they are buying like 5 big macs and eating them right before they go to bed, just as calories [and a mediocre source of protein]. Having said this, if I were to partake in a decent amount of cardiovascular exercise, this should [in theory] help stop me from gaining much bad weight [doubt I would anyway, ectomorph+high metabolism] and doing much damage to my heart.

I'm really tempted to try this. Who doesn't want an excuse to eat fast food without feeling bad about it?
FRuMMaGe said:
I know it's not a state of mind, but he obviously didn't know anything about it so I was trying to put it into a context he could understand
Ohh okay, understood. I'm just touchy about that, you can probably understand, with the amount of people who misinterpret it =)
I hate stone, its too confusing. I'm going to guess roughly...

13 stone and 6 foot
Celeste said:
Ohh okay, understood. I'm just touchy about that, you can probably understand, with the amount of people who misinterpret it =)
Sorry for the misunderstanding :)