On-Line Cursing/Swearing/**** Talking, etc. etc.


WiiChat Member
Apr 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
If your playing on-line with a headset and you like to use profanity do you risk getting banned or any other kind of censure on the PS3 network?
Do people get banned on 360 Live?
My friend swears constantly on PS3 online and hasn't been banned yet.
People do get banned from Xbox Live, but I think you have to do something really bad for that to happen...

Not sure if the Ps3 Network ban people
I have heard that Halo Online for Xbox was horrible. Kids from age 5-13 would cuss and swear on the headsets. People also said they played LOUD music on there as well. Don't know if that's true since i don't play online on my Xbox.
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Ok, cause I've been playing Resistance on-line and hardly anyone speaks on there. Bunch of quiet b!tches. haha

Seriously though, I was kinda disappointed cause I want it to be a lil rowdy and fun. When most people speak on there it's all proper and their giving each other verbal ass pats for a job well done.
If you press start, and change your thing to another type, like "Zulu" or something, only one I can remember, you'll hear people, people don't usually talk unless they're in a group
RivalDestiny said:
I have heard that Halo Online for Xbox was horrible. Kids from age 5-13 would cuss and swear on the headsets. People also said they played LOUD music on there as well. Don't know if that's true since i don't play online on my Xbox.
I always breathe really loud into the mic when playing Halo to piss people off. :lol:
of course not, if anything youd get banned on xbox live, which i havent
and my favorite line is
"god you all blow"
wait can you only hear the person talk on the head set or tv and do yuo need a headset to talk

can i use one of those cell ohone blue thooth things that you put on your ear
You can use any Bluetooth Headset I think, and if you don't have a headset you hear it from the TV, I think that's how it works
X-box Live is the definition of the angry teen in heat. So much rage, you think they were all related to Mike Tyson.

My friend, "Another kill for me. I guess those aim hacks just aren't working for you."
Angry Kid, "I'll kill you, you mother F#$%! I'm going to find you and rape you... bleep, bleep bleep."

We were laughing. He just went through puberty. Good times. Unless you're the one getting killed by those same trash talkers.