Other Games Not Using the Wiimote?

All games are required to use the motion sensor to some extent even metal Slug uses it to fling grenades
The difference between the DS touch screen and the Wii Remote is that the Wii Remote is the main feature and with DS the touch screen is just a way to say their product is awesome

And Yeah DBZ controls are so cool even though you don't need to I like to pull both Nunchuck and Wiimote back and scream Kamehameha from time to time it's so fun
WiiZero said:
The difference between the DS touch screen and the Wii Remote is that the Wii Remote is the main feature and with DS the touch screen is just a way to say their product is awesome
thats the most absurd thing i have ever heard. i would make the assumption that ds stands for dual-screen which would in turn make me think that the whole point of the ds is the second screen. to say that it is "just something to make their product awesome" is ridiculous
Sorry I didn't put that the way I meant it, it was just something to seperate them from other handheld consoles but the Wiimote is the main feature where the touch screen is secondary
Wii's whole gimmick...is the wiimote.

It's the whole point of the Wii, it's innovative and original..haven't we all gotten past the Wiimote complaints?
Let the companies get used to it, then everything will be dandy.
Yes I agree with you, this is a better way to play games, more realistic now you can punch by actually punching in a fighting game not pushing buttons, now you can swing by actually swinging not by pushing buttons, now you can aim by aiming not using a control stick..why would anyone wanna argue about that? idiots
Exactly, the argueing stage ended in November. It just needs a lil warming up to from the makers.
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spicka said:
i think the wiimote is great for dragon ball z (borrowed from friend) you should try out the games b4 you post stuff like this :D

Who said I haven't tried them? Stop making assumptions "b4 u post stuff like that:D". I have tried it. I rented it, played it, HATED IT, returned it early.

I've played just about every game at one time or another except Chicken little and Cars.

Oh and uhh Axltar, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me an idiot for my opinion. Yeah, thanks.
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WeToYou said:
But..your opinion is idiotic...

And now I've seen it all. No it's not idiotic, it's my opinion that I think some games would be just as fun if not more fun with the classic controller or Gamecube controller. I like old school fighting games. I don't think they should be messed with. I'm not saying that I want to use a Gamecube controller because the Wiimote is buggy. I understand that the next wave of games are going to have the kinks in the control system worked out. I don't care, I would still like playing fighting games on an old controller.

P.S. I wasn't talking to you WeToYou. No one's opinion is idiotic. If anyone here is, you are.
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You're basically saying you should just play the Gamecube. Just stop typing, you stpid ****.
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haha now you're using profanity at me cause you don't agree with my opinion :frown2: ,

You're such a cool kid.

Whatever, I'm done here cause all that's left of the thread is me arguing with an ignorant loser.
Wow, you guys need to chill the **** out.

One, I assume you are talking about SSB64 and SSBM, not brawl that is the wii title. Secondly, Captain Falcon does not suck! he is one of the higher tier characters that a lot of tournment players use. While Zelda is a bottom tier character... and if you meant link, still link is a lower tier character as well.

Tiers mean nothing. Pretty much every character in that game is good (besides maybe Pichu). All those mean is who wins most in tourneys. People see Foz up on top of the list, think "OH MAN IM GONNA GO PLAY FOX NOW ALOT," geet good with him, and win in tourneys. Repeat. That's why he's at the top. Roy is a "bottom tier" character. I play him as my regular, and can beat people at about my skill level as Fox. It's just BS, and people shouldn't follow it like it's the freaking bible like they do.