pelican to make wii wifi antenna??

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Solard said:
how hard was it to connect to the internet?? im a complete noob w/ computers (and by that, i mean reallllllly nooob) but i do have a wireless router, would it be easy/hard for me to connect to ther internet if i just followed the user manual?
if you already have a high speed connection connected to a router through an ethernet cable, your already there almost.............just a few steps away. i have SYMPATHY for anyone trying to get online desperately.

im still very new to the forums, but if you can, try to pvt msg me and ill see about helping.
An attachment that can pick up from a mile?

Heck, you're better off just getting a plain old wireless G router.

'Cause goodness knows how much it would cost.

Like, How Far Away!? MILES!!!

This Is Gonna Be Fun!
DCHAO has a good point. I remember seeing someone who took a hawking brand antenna and attached it to one of the internal connections on the WII for better coverage.