Pets, Sibilings, any?

2 Cats that i want to donate to my local Chinese restaurant

2 Younger siblings
1 Brother who is 22
1 Sister who is 16
A parrot (amazon green COMING SOON)
Brothers 2 (Married)
Sisters 2 (Married)
They all have kids
Some of them have kids as well
1 older brother ( i'm affraid )
1 dog. she is the biggest sook i have ever known. :lol:
(site forman hard at work)

"ok.. whats going on here"
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idk what they are. But they get really annoying. My mom got them and i hate them. They always wake me up.
I have a 21 year old brother and a 29ish year old half brother.
12 year old sister, and a dog and a cat.

Dog is an english setter and cat is orange tabby.
I have one 19 year old sister.
- Elizabeth

We have four German Shorthair Pointers.
- Rio
- Stick
- Run
- Jake

Also one desert tortise.
- George