Pokemon Spriting

i just made this...Prepare to say WTF

Yeah, when Munchlax wakes up, he will be freaked out to find that he has been fused with an octopus-thingie....
LOL yeah.and in my personal opinion i don't like the fact that quagsire is fused with sudoowudoo i just don't like the idea...thats all
heres my city
i spent a while so it looks beter than the last one i made

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oh well iff you are useing paint move your pic to the top left corner then make sure you have nothing selected now scroll right and look for a blue dot somewhere at the end.now move the blue dot closer to your pic now go down and look for another and move it up to your pic.now its packed in the corner makeing the picture small
do you mean the white paint outside your image
if you do heres how

you see that little black dot on the bottom and right of the page when you put your mouse on it it looks like little line with arows on both sides (the line is diagnal) press on it and then you can adjust the size

oh sorry icyooopplaa already anserwed it