R4 DS Cartridge


WiiChat Member
Aug 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
Has anyone brought one of these. I'm pretty interested in getting one, but not sure of the benefits of it.
well i have bought one but i have had it so long then i dont think of the benefits
can someone tell me how it works/what it does. im also not sure about homebrew. do i have to mod my DS?
Yeah it has a slot for a micro SD card in which you would generally want a 2GB card. There are a few files it needs to run which should come with it on a CD. You can stick games / music (mp3s) / videos (.dpg) and pictures (.jpg, not sure about others) on the R4 and they will run smoothly on your NDS/NDS Lite with easy to access menus.

Homebrew applications are just made by people which you can get and they run just like normal games would. There is stuff like the DS Organiser (which you can use to play around with all your files on the R4, plus it has stuff like a web browser and an irc client), the wi-fi scanner (which you can use to scan for wireless access points and it gives you a strength indication and what type of connection is it [WEP, WPA, etc]) and then there are a few homebrew games like Quake DS.

It's very easy to set-up and use and it can do so much (lol I sound like I'm advertising).
i would say dealextreme if you're not in a hurry and you want it cheap.

if you want it quickly, here's a good deal on one with a 2GB microSD.
An R4 is a great idea. I have the other thing exactly like it, the M3 Simply DS.
The benefits of it are...obvious. But I won't get into them because people will be like ZOMG U HAV 2 GIVE ALL UR MONEYZ 2 NINTENDO!!11 U R A HORIBEL PERSEN111!!!!
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I bought my M3 simply (basicly the same thing as the R4) from kickgaming.com didn't really search to hard for it, it was just slightly cheaper on that site at the time, actualy I think the RumbleRam R4 thing is 5$ off now.
FWELR said:
if you want it quickly, here's a good deal on one with a 2GB microSD.
That right there is everything you need for it right? Since that comes with the micro SD card?

What about the USB thing and the other stuff? Like in this one
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On the link FWELR posted, it has everything you need. The USB thing is the Micro SD Card Reader. You stick the Micro SD card in it and then stick it in a USB port and put stuff on it.
Order from BambooGaming.com, They are an Aussie site so you guys in other countries will get a good price because of the exchange rate.