Rare games MAY be available on VC

Say what you want about the vc, I for one will stick with it, it's only the begining you know, and more great games will come.........
I'll say it once again. Why buy a $250 game system when you could get them on your comp for free? Was stealing games online not illegal enough? Now people have to hack a game system when they've had the PC option for years?

If Nintendo doesn't acquire the Rare games, Microsoft will. They have games like Double Dragon and Contra on the 360.
i never suggested or promoted piracy.. im in it for homebrew.. homebrew is not piracy its home made programming and software.. i dont think theres a single person that has a computer doesnt watch or did any piracy.. for example youtube.. people who upload copyrighted videos from news movies or shows without the authorization of the company..
This is the only illegal thing that I support, Rare sold them selves to the 360 so I'll download Diddy Kong racing, 007, and Banjo Kazoo for free if I can.