SD card games...

wii wayne

WiiChat Member
Dec 10, 2006
I read on a good games news site that you can play games (nes,snes,n64 etc) from the SD card.
My question is can I put Roms on the card and play them straight from it or do I have to download from the Wii shop channel ?
If anyone has any news or knows if/how this is possible without downloading I would be grateful if you could share.

Thankyou in advance

wii wayne said:
I read on a good games news site that you can play games (nes,snes,n64 etc) from the SD card.
My question is can I put Roms on the card and play them straight from it or do I have to download from the Wii shop channel ?
If anyone has any news or knows if/how this is possible without downloading I would be grateful if you could share.

Thankyou in advance

It doesn't load the actual game onto the SD card, I believe it's only save game data. So no, you can't load roms onto the Wii.
wii wayne said:
I read on a good games news site that you can play games (nes,snes,n64 etc) from the SD card.
My question is can I put Roms on the card and play them straight from it or do I have to download from the Wii shop channel ?
If anyone has any news or knows if/how this is possible without downloading I would be grateful if you could share.

Unfortunately, what you speak of is against the law as it's most likely a violation of copyright to do (Yes, I realize that some people have built cartridge dumpers, heck, I made one in my undergrad days. Merely owning the original of a game does not, however, give a license to placeshift the game. That's the law, no use arguing with me on this). Nintendo has no reason to help this happen -- that's not to say it won't happen, just that they won't do anything to make it easier. The games you get from the Virtual Console, are not your typical ROM files. They're tied to a particular console. So, while you can copy to game to your SD card, you can't play if off the SD card. So this only makes sense if you've got more VC games than your internal Wii memory can support and you don't want to redownload the games from the Wii Shop over and over (you can download games you've purchased as much as you want).