SD Cards

I have spare 512 and 1gig cards lying around from 'Buy so and so and get these free' deals. They'll hopefully do me for a while.

And... 60gig overkill o_O

Remember, with downloadables and the inevitable movie rips and such 60gb on PS3 really isn't overkill. That's like saying my 1.4 tb total (Between 2 PCs and 2 External Drives) for PC use is overkill.... really it's not.
I ate up my 360's hard drive in less than a month with donaloadable arcade games and demos (most being just below 1 Gig). I WISH my 360 had a 60 gig drive. So whoever says the Ps3's 60gig is overkill must not game much.
Haha, yes I spose you are right. Last console I bought was an N64. But I know for sure that the Virtual Console games are nowhere near 1Gig each. And it IS still a gaming machine, not a PC hub, so I still considered it unnecessary to store that much on a home ocnsole.
Deanis said:
Haha, yes I spose you are right. Last console I bought was an N64. But I know for sure that the Virtual Console games are nowhere near 1Gig each. And it IS still a gaming machine, not a PC hub, so I still considered it unnecessary to store that much on a home ocnsole.

Download a few HD movie trailers and a few HD game demos and half that hard drive is gone. 60 gigs these days isn't anything. It seems that Nintendo fanboys accept old technology and hate on consoles that offer it. Alittle back asswards if you ask me.
But surely you can see where I'm coming from. I'm sitting in my loungeroom, I can download this stuff on my PC with 1Tb memory, and leave it in VERY easy to browse menus and simply delete later, or just stream off the net. Meanwhile, my brand new Wii, can be used solely for games, and music uploading to play along with some of the games (Excite Truck atm >.>) and store the FEW Virtual COnsole Games I purchase (hope they release Goldeneye/PerfectDark). Maybe my mind will change, but atm I cant see me really WANTING any more storage with my Wii.
NeMeZyZ said:
i got tons of usb lash i'm good

USB flash driveS? they work 2? besides SD CARDS??
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Yer I dunno if that has been raised yet. If i REALLY wanted to could I just buy a LaCie external USB hard-drive? I reckon the white ones made for Mac Minis would fit beautifully under (or above) a Wii if it was lying flat. and would kind of match its looks.