

Anyway, I like to use proper spelling and grammar and yell at people who don't. I think common abbreviations are okay though. These include but are not limited to, lol, LMAO, LMFAO, IMO, ROFL, ROFLOL, IDK. Also, all but lol should be all caps to set them apart. Basically, acronyms are okay, horrible murderization is not.

@TLC (okay abbreviation), there is a degree for being a stenographer? I thought you would take secretary sort of classes. How do you go from typing to busting people?
The poor grammar and lack of care that some people have that 50% of the words they just typed are mispelled.

I used to not care about grammar and punctuation, but my OCD got pretty bad. Now I do my best to have every "t" crossed and every "i" dotted.
I'm 15. I don't think that I type like most of the people here. Most of the people on this forum are older. Into their 20's maybe 30's. I consider myself to be one of the younger few on here. But I don't think I'm immature, but I could see where you're coming from. I see it around here too.
I have been on 2 other forums. One was a Honda/Acura forum. Age was from 15-40, and there was no problem with improper grammar. The other was KillingIfrit, a FFXI forum. Age from 10-40. About 15%-20% of the posts were horribly typed.
Bad typing is actually a minority on here. Most people get flamed so much that they stop. It is only a few that don't care and do it just to piss people off. I even edit posts because bad typing makes me mad.