
Deal. Not much people can say to this thread, except agree with you, flame you, or start to stop saying it. Not from me, but I'm expecting flamage/having wii puns thrown at ya :]
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Wiired said:
Deal. Not much people can say to this thread, except agree with you, flame you, or start to stop saying it. Not from me, but I'm expecting flamage/having wii puns thrown at ya :]
I've been aware of that from the beginning, wii puns are like water to these kids.
Some wii puns get boring but for Mii its always nice to see how people find new ways of adding wii puns.

Are wii puns that much of a issue?
I don't think I cracked a single Wii joke on here? Were they that much of an issue here?
i've never used a wii pun since the debut of the name, and refuse to do so. it's such a base-comedy idea, it holds no merit and is just a waste of time.
Some kid on here would CONSTANTLY spell everything he could with the 'ii'.

He even started a thread just to get to me with it. He either give up, left or got banned lol
Hay wii was the one that came up wiith this kind of wiiral marketing mouths before the wii came out

Wii wiill never stop
someone has their period :rolleyes:

if this is all that bothering you, youre a lucky kid.

surfinrach90 said:
Some kid on here would CONSTANTLY spell everything he could with the 'ii'.

He even started a thread just to get to me with it. He either give up, left or got banned lol

Tbh, I haven't seen a Wii joke (nor have I even had one in my mind) for the past....3 months i'd say; maybe even 4. :/
yeh, i mean it can be annoying, but making a thread about it? get over it man..its not that big of a deal.
I really don't think starting up this thread is going to end it...but just add more to it.
Retman said:
Total ownage haha!
Total spam! *snort snort*

Please don't post unless it's meaningful. :)

However this thread doesn't have much meaning to it, so.....