Silver Jelly


WiiChat Member
Jan 3, 2007
Yo. I spotted a Silver, glittering jelly in a cavern on Snowpeak, but I missed the jam. Any one know what it was? Should I be pissed at missing it?
It's probably a rare chu jelly. You shouldn't be too annoyed with yourself as you can find them in a few other places in the game. I remember getting one from death mountain as an example.
Rare Chue Jelly is either: Platinum Coulor or Multi coulourd.

Ive only see one multy colour and i didnt catch it.
The platinum either makes you get full health, or 1/4 of a heart.
rare chu jelly is gold, you get it in some parts of hyrule field and theres one in the cave of ordeals as well but those purple ones always swollow it up to quick!