Smash Bros Site Discussion

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You know what'd be cool in Brawl.

A Paper Mario level. Maybe one from Super Paper Mario.
I think that'd be pretty awesome.

The level flipping from 2D to 3D suddenly.

And this song NEEDS to be in Brawl.

They don't even need to change it all! We need more unique and unrepresented levels!

Edit: Sorry about that mess-up. That movie trailer (for those who caught it) was 'We Are The Strange'.
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islandvic said:
He would have a great move is an example (I got this from someone's thread on another board, excellent ideas!):

A - Standard punch.
A-A - One-two punch.
A-A-A-repeated - Geno's hands suck in, and he starts blasting stars out of his arms. This is a combo attack, and the stars do not travel very far before disappearing.

Tilt-A-Up - Geno kicks straight up with one leg, similar to Sheik. Considering he's only a doll, he should be the most flexible character in the game. :p
Tilt-A-forward - Geno does the finger shot. Several pellets shoot out of his four fingers, traveling a short distance before disappearing.
Tilt-A-Down - A sweeping ground kick, similar to Ness.

Smash-A-Up - Geno sticks both hands straight up, and then spreads them, leaving a trail of stars where his hands were. Has a high knockback.
Smash-A-Forward - Geno fires his hand straight forward. It travels a good distance before disappearing and reappearing back on his arm.
Smash-A-Down - Geno does a split, kicking both legs out sideways.

Aerial-A-Neutral - Geno spins in a circle, with arms outstretched. His hands emit a small trail of stars.
Aerial-A-Up - Geno flips, kicking, like Kirby.
Aerial-A-Forward - Geno kicks both feet forward, perpendicular to the screen.
Aerial-A-Down - Geno does his finger shot straight down. The pellets travel a small distance before disappearing.
Aerial-A-Backward - Geno kicks one foot backwards, spinning in a circle.

B-Neutral - Geno charges up the Geno Beam. The longer you hold it, the more powerful the move gets (until it gets to its maximum charge, that is). The move, unlike other "shooting" moves like Samus' Charge Shot or Mewtwo's Shadow Ball, shoots across the entire stage, staying attached to Geno during the duration of the attack. To make up for it's large range, it's a relatively slow-moving attack.
B-Up - Geno spreads his arms and flies upward. A trail of stars extends behind him, which damages opponents until they disappear.
B-Forward - The Geno Whirl, from Mario RPG. Geno swings his arm in a horizontal arc, sending a series of circles across the stage horizontally. This is a very quick-move.
B-Down - The Geno Blast. Geno plants himself, and a series of multicolored lights rain down from the heavens on either side of him.

Final Smash - The Geno Flash. Geno turns into a cannon, and shoots a spark into the center of the stage. The spark grows a face, blinks, and then explodes.

Wow, love the variety in this moveset. Winnar!
islandvic said:
He would have a great move is an example (I got this from someone's thread on another board, excellent ideas!):

A - Standard punch.
A-A - One-two punch.
A-A-A-repeated - Geno's hands suck in, and he starts blasting stars out of his arms. This is a combo attack, and the stars do not travel very far before disappearing.

Tilt-A-Up - Geno kicks straight up with one leg, similar to Sheik. Considering he's only a doll, he should be the most flexible character in the game. :p
Tilt-A-forward - Geno does the finger shot. Several pellets shoot out of his four fingers, traveling a short distance before disappearing.
Tilt-A-Down - A sweeping ground kick, similar to Ness.

Smash-A-Up - Geno sticks both hands straight up, and then spreads them, leaving a trail of stars where his hands were. Has a high knockback.
Smash-A-Forward - Geno fires his hand straight forward. It travels a good distance before disappearing and reappearing back on his arm.
Smash-A-Down - Geno does a split, kicking both legs out sideways.

Aerial-A-Neutral - Geno spins in a circle, with arms outstretched. His hands emit a small trail of stars.
Aerial-A-Up - Geno flips, kicking, like Kirby.
Aerial-A-Forward - Geno kicks both feet forward, perpendicular to the screen.
Aerial-A-Down - Geno does his finger shot straight down. The pellets travel a small distance before disappearing.
Aerial-A-Backward - Geno kicks one foot backwards, spinning in a circle.

B-Neutral - Geno charges up the Geno Beam. The longer you hold it, the more powerful the move gets (until it gets to its maximum charge, that is). The move, unlike other "shooting" moves like Samus' Charge Shot or Mewtwo's Shadow Ball, shoots across the entire stage, staying attached to Geno during the duration of the attack. To make up for it's large range, it's a relatively slow-moving attack.
B-Up - Geno spreads his arms and flies upward. A trail of stars extends behind him, which damages opponents until they disappear.
B-Forward - The Geno Whirl, from Mario RPG. Geno swings his arm in a horizontal arc, sending a series of circles across the stage horizontally. This is a very quick-move.
B-Down - The Geno Blast. Geno plants himself, and a series of multicolored lights rain down from the heavens on either side of him.

Final Smash - The Geno Flash. Geno turns into a cannon, and shoots a spark into the center of the stage. The spark grows a face, blinks, and then explodes.

You people should be telling the creator that.
It's 'The Geno Thread' at Smashboards, right?

It is a pretty creative move-set.
^Aw, comon S-S. Why? (Is it the disney characters?)
That's a major part of it (I'm ok with Disney for the most part, but stay out of my games for cryin' out loud!!! Donald Duck and Sephiroth do NOT belong in the same game!)

Besides, a teenage kid running around with a key just isn't fun. Now, I haven't played it very much, but that's partly because what I DID play was boring as hell!

And I love that stage idea AND song Mr Bucket! And I haven't played SPM yet =P
ssbb_lover said:
Go for it. Try.
Marioman said:
You could try
Moveset for Luma........

Glides after a jump.
Always about a foot off the ground

A - Standard Punch

A-A - Combo punch

A-A-A- Punch-Punch-Kick IN THE FACE!

Tilt-A-Up - Kicks upward

Tilt-A-forward - Slides forward on his tummy (like mario in all smashes...)

Tilt-A-Down - Spins on his back for a 1/2 second, hurts if u touch him from the sides.

Smash-A-Up - If you are near him he throws u upwards with his chubby tommy.

Smash-A-Forward - He bloats his tummy and throws sideways if ur close...

Smash-A-Down - Slams himself on the ground, if ur under it hurts and if u r close it may throw u a bit....

Aerial-A-Neutral - Kick

Aerial-A-Up - Spins, like when u are near a luma in SMG and u do ur spinmove and they copy u...

Aerial-A-Forward - Headbutts, shoots forward a bit...

Aerial-A-Down - Shooting Star! Slams downward like a falling star

Aerial-A-Backward - Backflip kick...

B-Neutral - Shoots star bits out his mouth...

B-Up - U kno when u jump off the edge at the station in Mario Galaxy... It does that wired sound and picks u back up to the platform... Well this would be the same thing with decent hight...

B-Forward - Flies forward and if at the right time AND hit ur opponent perfectly, starbits will fly out of the character and onto the ground... (Sorta like the up-b thing for Luigi and Mario that takes coins..) Then u can pick up the star bits and regain health... This is hard to do but if it is done right then u have a random chance that (Which is maybe 1 every 15 times) 5-6 star bits come out... Anyone can pick them up

B-Down - Feeds himself Starbits and gets bigger, (Now bigger then Wario... But the bigger u are the slower u are... but ur moves get a little stronger...) Everytime u die u need to start over this if u want to change his size... U don't become HUGE... only the size of WARIO... and u are NOT a one hit ko mechine.... u become stronger and slower but not by a lot

Final Smash - Takes 10 star bits from each character, (Therefore raising their damage by ten) Then u quickly pick where u want him to go and he explodes into a huge planet and whoever is near will most likely die... Then he returns back to normal...

Taunt - He does that adorable little thing when u stop giving him star bits in Galaxy... that cute voice thingy... lol

See not really that hard...
I surprised myself a little... I really like my idea for the final smash and the feeding urself thing... lol that was fun!
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bamblakopz said:
Thats really Good, but anyone with time could do that with any character they want.... So you proved ur point in some ways, and then again I could do the same thing for A luma from SMG if I wanted to... :D
of course anyone can create a move set. And no you can't create one for a luma. Why? Because they have no significance. you don't see one fight you dont see them do anything except turn into galaxys and planets. and i doubt a character will have two moves.

Your move set is horrible. he doesn't do any of those things. said:
of course anyone can create a move set. And no you can't create one for a luma. Why? Because they have no significance. you don't see one fight you dont see them do anything except turn into galaxys and planets. and i doubt a character will have two moves.
Check again... :D
Shoko said:
Caught by Atomic B lol
What now?

bamblakopz said:
Moveset for Luma........

Glides after a jump.
Always about a foot off the ground

A - Standard Punch

A-A - Combo punch

A-A-A- Punch-Punch-Kick IN THE FACE!

Tilt-A-Up - Kicks upward

Tilt-A-forward - Slides forward on his tummy (like mario in all smashes...)

Tilt-A-Down - Spins on his back for a 1/2 second, hurts if u touch him from the sides.

Smash-A-Up - If you are near him he throws u upwards with his chubby tommy.

Smash-A-Forward - He bloats his tummy and throws sideways if ur close...

Smash-A-Down - Slams himself on the ground, if ur under it hurts and if u r close it may throw u a bit....

Aerial-A-Neutral -

Aerial-A-Up - Spins, like when u are near a luma in SMG and u do ur spinmove and they copy u...

Aerial-A-Forward - Headbutts, shoots forward a bit...

Aerial-A-Down - Shooting Star! Slams downward like a falling star

Aerial-A-Backward - Backflip kick...

B-Neutral - Shoots star bits out his mouth...

B-Up - U kno when u jump off the edge at the station in Mario Galaxy... It does that wired sound and picks u back up to the platform... Well this would be the same thing with decent hight...

B-Forward - Flies forward and if at the right time, starbits will fly out of the character and onto the ground... (Sorta like the up-b thing for Luigi and Mario that takes coins..) Then u can pick up the star bits and regain health...

B-Down - Feeds himself Starbits and gets bigger, (Now bigger then Wario... But the bigger u are the slower u are... but ur moves get a little stronger...) Everytime u die u need to start over this if u want to change his size...

Final Smash - Takes 10 star bits from each character, (Therefore raising their damage by ten) Then u quickly pick where u want him to go and he explodes into a huge planet and whoever is near will most likely die... Then he returns back to normal...

Taunt - He does that adorable little thing when u stop giving him star bits in Galaxy... that cute voice thingy... lol

See not really that hard...
I surprised myself a little... I really like my idea for the final smash and the feeding urself thing... lol that was fun!

Just how does a luma kick you in the face...? Or do a high kick...?
And it's not really balanced... If all you need to do to recover health is Up-B...

Jus' Sayin'...
bilzar said:
But not anyone can make a GOOD moveset. The Geno one is good, Luma's...uhh no.
Obviously I did that with someone who has never been in a fight in there life.... So for that, its very good I think....
He ment B forward. and yes it's a horrible horrible move set.
First off, a moveset where you can recover? well then everyone would use him. even if he sucks. you wouldn't be able to die.
Final smash: turns into a planet. . .
I guess thats suicide. . .

All the A's, he never does.

Bdown - So you can pretty much just become a 1 hit k.o monster huh?

Your luma doesn't levitate you back onto planets, the space ship does. why do you think you fall into black holes?
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