Sonic and friends taking a break?


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
news about sega wanting to give sonic a "makeover"

personally instead of trying to make him better, go back to his glory days when he simply ran through levels to defeat robotnik and rescue the animals....thats why sonic advance sereis were successful and sonic rush for DS. while im a sonic fan to death, these adventures and big city "superhero" plots are just not his roots. i wonder what they possible are gonna do...
i agree, sonic needs to be taken back to a nice platformer. I enjoy the VC sonic more than secret rings. im not saying sonic should be taken back that far, just keep it simple. trying to make him a hero with a complex story line killed what made sonic so fun and addictive in the first place.
as odd as it might be to say...i say Sega needs to take Sonic in a style to a game that was inspired by Sonic ,and thats Crash Bandicoot. Secret Rings started in that direction this way it keeps the game in 3d with the behind the back view although brings the 2D gameplay into play.
I personally liked the storylines and the adventure elements of the newer ones. It's just the execution that's been terrible. They could make a really great game if they just took the amount of time and effort into making it good.
yeah koops i agree the storylines aren't bad ,but the gameplay (aside from Secret Rings) is getting worse because between sonic's speed ,and the camera angles they don't mix. Thats why they need to go with a crash bandicoot viewpoint because there would be nowhere for the camera to move. Also they need to keep side kicks out of the main gameplay. Its fine to make them have their own modes that can be unlocked through the main story.
well i think the secret rings sucked the controls and the story i just want good old fashioned sonic back but him in a 2D world made to look 3D and i will be happy like the new castlevaina coming out on the PSP... some games just cant be 3D, sorry sonic but mario beat you in that aspect of gaming. But still side scrollers are fun and i love them so i would love to see another side scrolling sonic game
I'd say mesh all the Sega games (Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles) into one story, but go the way of the New Super Mario Bros. for DS and Megaman for PSP and make it a side scroller but with 3d objects
I thought Sonic Adventure 2 was a good game, but was still the game that jumped the shark. It was a weird transition out of nowhere going from Dr. Robotnik to Eggman. I thought the new characters were pretty good, but Sonic team has to kinda get the idea that every new character doesn't have to be playable, its a Sonic the Hedgehog game for a certain reason.
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^^^^ i agree and like everything you said. especailly meshing sonic 1 -knuckles into one.
lloyd_yayo said:
^^^^ i agree and like everything you said. especailly meshing sonic 1 -knuckles into one.
well I dunno of having knuckles right off the bat in Sonic 1, but maybe he;d become available in 3 and you can unlock stories for him in 1 and 2 maybe... Cuz as the story went knuckles was first introduced in 3, and by "meshing the stories" I dont mean everything going on at once, I mean retracing through sonics 4 platformers in chronological order, with maybe added bonus stories in the middle that may lead up to future events (like knuckles and how he got mixed with robotnik before sonic 3 maybe)
speakin of retracing through the past, why not try and do adaptations from the comic book series, such as (drum role please)........... Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles!?
I just found my old copy of that issue and was pretty psyched on the nostalgic feeling back when I was a total Sonic fan, but I still am deep inside
um yes i agree that would be even cooler i also have those comics wow i totally for got about them too i am going to have to go home sometime and find them and read them. But yes that would definitely make a great game
haha i dont know about that i love sonic but they could fix sonic and bring alex kidd back and well i would be happy haha
Belmont said:
haha i dont know about that i love sonic but they could fix sonic and bring alex kidd back and well i would be happy haha

Alex Kidd was the official Sega mascot and then they just retired him for Sonic. That's like Nintendo replacing Mario! :shocked: