too many smash balls?

its probably because someone set the items to high. In a timed match on wifi you can go to the items at the top and set them for everyone without anyone knowing. So if you get pissed just turn smash balls off.
I always make it no Items except smash ball. Works well for Diddy Kong, since his final smash is badass, and since there are no items, it's the time for Diddy's bananas.
I found 5 freaking smash balls in a timed match for 2 minutes o.o

And I got them all :lol:

But on average (on a 2 min timed match), I get around 2 or 3 per match. Not getting, but appearing, I mean.

Oh, my item setting is at default (medium occurence). I might switch it to low, but it's fun playing suicide with PK Fire + Bomb-omb/Explosive crate/Gooey Bomb/(Favorite)Smart Bomb...
i don't why but after u do yuor FS, when the other smash ball appears it seems to go after the guy that is losing n running away from me
mine is set to medium for weapon appearences, in a torney that lasted 10 minutes in 1 match i got like 4 smash balls