Top N64 Games

1. diddy kong racing
2. goldeneye
3. super mario 64
4. 1080 snowbording
5. mario kart
6. Banjo Kazooee
1.Conkers Bad fur Day(so damn good i tattooed that **** on my arm)

2.Golden eye
3.Perfect Dark
4.Mario Kart
5.Super Smash Brothers
the games me and my brother (together) have for N64:

(not in order of best just in order of how i managed to get to them and look at them)

Perfect Dark
Resident Evil 2
Turok :: Dinosaur Hunter
International Superstar Soccer 64
Bomberman 64
Pilotwings 64
Conkers BadFurDay
Fighters Destiny
LOZ :: Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask
Quake ?? (Quake Something im not sure i think its 3)
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario World 64
Turok :: Seeds of Evil
Star Wolf (what ever its called with that wolf star fighter)
007 James Bond :: GoldenEye

there are others but i cannot think of them at the moment!

i didnt really like that Banjo Koozi so i never got it STUPID BEAR!! lol

I completed (thoroughly):

007 Goldeneye
Turok :: seeds of evil
super mario world 64
mario kart 64
both LOZs
Conkers Bad fur day
Fighters destiny
Resident Evil 2

the ones i completed are the ones i love they are like the best i got LOZs theme tunes and music and stuff like that on my mp3 player and listen to them they are brill
bryceisbest said:
What would you like to see out for the VC? or just any N64 game?

1 - Banjo Kazooie
2 - Blitz 2000
3 - Zelda OoT
4 - Mario Golf
5 - Mario Tennis

Banjo Kazooie, I used to love that game! I had it memorized! Oh and the second one too, I think it was called Banjo Tooie. I always hoped they would come out with another, they were so fun!

1- Zelda OoT
2-Banjo Kazooie
3-Banjo Tooie
4-Zelda Majora's Mask
5-Pokemon Snap

Pokemon Snap was like the bomb diggity when I was in elementary school, and now I am in college, my one friend and I even printed out pictures from the game.
WiiGirl2006 said:
Banjo Kazooie, I used to love that game! I had it memorized! Oh and the second one too, I think it was called Banjo Tooie. I always hoped they would come out with another, they were so fun!

They are releasing Banjo Threeie for 360. find the trailer at youtube
elmo_999 said:
They are releasing Banjo Threeie for 360. find the trailer at youtube

That really stinks! Why couldn't they just keep it in the Nintendo versions? Oh well life goes on.
WiiGirl2006 said:
That really stinks! Why couldn't they just keep it in the Nintendo versions? Oh well life goes on.

Well mainly because Rare left Nintendo and went to Microsoft. That is the short answer anyway.

Top 5 N64 games?

2. Goldeneye
3. Yoshi's Story
4. Mario Kart 64
5. Bomberman 64
whats the point in getting mario tennis, theres already wii sports, besides, im sure nintendo will make a new mario tennis, with amazing graphix just 4 wii
It better be "amazing graphics." I know the Wii is more about gameplay but come on, there are very few titles right now that look next gen-ish. The new Pokemon game, Mario Galaxy and maybe Metroid Prime 3 (though it looks a little too much like Metroid Prime 2). I just worry that because of licensing issues we won't get certain titles that deserve to be on there.
my list is:
super mario 64
zelda oot and mm
golden eye
mario kart 64
and many more