Ultimate Duck Hunting Screens

Ezekiel86 said:
Haha definitely. I'm sick of games where you're shooting Arabs, Communists and Nazis, let's shoot at hillbillys for a change!

I'm Oklahoman! Oh, Crap!

*runs to Florida*
Looks ok. Might be fun with the Wii blaster gun that is coming out on June 26th. I'd get it.[MEDIA][/MEDIA]:thumbsup:
Rather shoot zombies than ducks...
Lol this is f*ckin sick - you are hunting defenceless ducks?!
(Def a redneck game)
Next games I predict;
Ultimate Bear Baiting!
Ultimite Cock Fighting!
Ultimate Abattoir Tycoon!
Ultimate Cow Tipping!
This game would only be good if I were reeaally wasted. And if it didn't involve ducks. Or hunting. And it featured the X-Men.
Adamquest64 said:
This game would only be good if I were reeaally wasted. And if it didn't involve ducks. Or hunting. And it featured the X-Men.

What are you talking about? Basically redesigning a game called DUCK HUNT so it won't involve shooting ducks or hunting. X-Men, don't even get me started on them. :scared: