Unlock Classic Conflict and play it!

More players are needed in Classic Conflict mode. I was absolutely determined to unlock it until yesterday, when I hit level 35. Unfortunately, there aren't an overwhelming number of players who have this unlocked yet.

Playing Classic Conflict makes the game worth your while. It's the reason we got 007 instead of Call of Duty. Besides, it's fun to see Jaws and Baron Samedi and Blofeld running around.

To sub-level 35 players: Keep at it, it's worth it! I, for one, will be waiting.

I'm a level 33, but would love to play CC when I get there. I've added you as a friend. FC = 473765387276. Signature is [:]:]
Classic conflict is pointless, you play it once and get bored. Seriously, I did the same at 35 a waste of time to be honest.