Update! No Midnight Launch for Best Buy!


Wii Owner
Sep 14, 2006
Wii Online Code

Sad to hear :( Best Buy is not offering a midnight launch for Wii but 18 stores will have one for the PS3. Anyways, i'm not that worried. I have my Walmart to look forward too and if not, there's around 5 other stores to check on the 19th
Not too many spots here in Colorado are doing midnite deals. Some dude got smoked after buying a 360 puts the little po dunk community on red alert. I s wal mart down for the 12 o clock bombardment? I guess so, they put out a launch guide last week. But I know some peeps that say the wii will drop shipments of the system for a few days in a row. So if not sunday for sure monday, etc. Something like a hundred units at toys r us on launch day. hmmm
i cant camp out anyway, so im not to hurt by it, my first option was wal-mart as well if i were to camp out