What are the chances?


wii need a headset.
Nov 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
How do you guys think nintendo did this year? How do you think the next year is gonna be?Do you guys think the a headset is in the makes or is that why they brought back SSBB till feburay? Do you think a HD is also gonna releas for wii? and more VC games and are more third party companies are gonna use nintendos edvice and make "unique" games for the wii give me your thoughts.
wii games will get more unique. dont count on a headset, but its not impossible. more vc games is a deffinate yes. think of how much cool stuff/games came our for wii just in november (some still to come) and multiply that a few times and thats about what it should be like next year with games such as sadness and disaster etc.
i think nintendo did great this year, and will do great in 08, i dont belive that the head set will be announced between now and brawl release.....sorry but the head head set is too big an acceserry to only have 1-3 months announcement.......it will be announced long before