What is this crazy MoH hype?

Smithy said:
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the size, 6 maps is nothing.

it may be but its a right step in online experience for nintendo
Smithy said:
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the size, 6 maps is nothing.

6 good maps is better than 20 bad ones. We'll just have to wait and see how well they designed them.

In the end, most players pick two or three favorites and just stick with them. I played Halo 1 with friends for years, and it was pretty much always the same 3 maps.

If it were capable of downloading later maps designed by the community or the dev, that'd be great, but Nintendo's stubborn insistence on no hard drive scares developers from making the investment. You want to put your resources where you know they'll pay dividends, and you don't want to have to fight a console maker to get your return.

EA Canada Team Fusion is the little engine that could. They jumped up from the portable platforms and designed a shooter better than any major 3rd party, and even taught Nintendo a thing or two. Being the size they are, they had to make choices, and so they couldn't do everything. But what they did, they appear to have done well.

People are excited because despite the potential on the Wii for FPS, it has been executed poorly time after time, and the genre has even been abandoned by some teams. Now it's been done right. All that time complaining and someone finally listened.
well i think you can find a lot of topics because there aren't any sub forums for MOH, so threads get lost in the bigger wii gaming area. But yeah the game will be awesome.
Deadzone is when you aim, the screen does not rotate. Therefore, PC gamers (like myself) normally change it to a high sensitivity for precise aiming and quick fast turns. Many console games are sluggish compared to a fast mouse.(not all just many people who play pc find console slower)
As MOHH2 I really hope that if it sells well other companies will follow suit with full online modes such as (COD4 please for all that is good) I don't care as long as graphic look like the old Xbox. Maybe army of two. Idk, i think if this title breaks 1mil then other companies will have to consider making full online expierences.
I think it's because this MOH2 is the first ever online FPS game and finally no friend codes :D
TPLink said:
As MOHH2 I really hope that if it sells well other companies will follow suit with full online modes such as (COD4 please for all that is good) I don't care as long as graphic look like the old Xbox. Maybe army of two. Idk, i think if this title breaks 1mil then other companies will have to consider making full online expierences.

yeeey than we would get another batch of games that was not designed for the wii......