What the Wii needs to be truly successful

your getting a tad personal. They probably did as much as they could with the Wii. I mean the only thing i think is crap is the lack of HD, but its not like the graphics are spectacular anyways.
Sshado said:
Now I just laughed at this. Thanks for making my day. No, having more than one copy of the game's save file isn't great, the concept was invented and put to use back many years ago.. As I refer to Ps2 and its 99 slot capabilities. SD cards are like little autistic memory cards. They server zero purpose in the way of MEMORY cards for save games at the moment, seeing as a memory card doesn't extend your save game capabilities. Disgusting.

The fact that there aren't enough save slots on the games is not nintendo's fault at all. Unless they are the ones who developed the game of course.

It's the developers fault. RE4 has 99 save slots. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn has a crap load of save spots. Bwii has 3, Trauma Center Second Opinion has like 5 or 6. Mario Galaxy has a few. I know its more than 3 for sure.

It varies from game to game.
Someone in this post said that you can't play VC games online. Well that's true but may I direct you to ZSNES to play snes games online. So I know it's possible to easily make the games playable online through the computer so the wii wouldn't be that much of a big step.
Ppl keep saying that features were left out to reduce costs but it seems to me that Wii holds itself back...

Wii has a dvd drive but doesnt play simple media functions that could be included at no additional hardware costs.

Wii has online functionality out of the box but very little prescence in the online gaming world.

Wii has USB 2.0 included but only limited support for some usb devices and completely no support for many other usb devices (eg hard drives).

Reading this thread really seems to spell out that lots of ppl are seeing the same thing, which is that there is so much potential not being met.

I just wonder why nintendo are holdng back?
I just wonder why nintendo are holdng back?

That is a very good question, they have to be there for a reason right..
When the VC gets bigger, games start bring in downloadable content SSBB eg, i can see a HD or a "flash drive: coming easily.

A headset will come for sure, (there is an official one for the DS).
Im not sure about nintendo starting to work on the online part but you never know.

ANyway, i hope the WII 2, will have all the gizmos lol