Whats an ev?

Fu*ken Google it theres a instant help all over google "it stands for Effort Value" why post it's not hard to search that, it's simple & instsntaneous
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prin, shut up. its not hard to answer a question either.

like he said, EV stands for Effort Value. ever since R/S, when you defeat an enemy(wild or trainer) you get exp. and one to three EV points. exp is simple, thats how you level up.
but EVs are complicated, they specifically target stats. four EVs = one stat point. there are HP EVs, Atk. EVs, Spd EVs, an EV for every stat.

now for example lets say you want to max out your Pikachu's Spd stat. well then you'd want to give it max Spd EVs. you can give a total 255 in a stat, and 510 grand total. meaning you can only max out two stats.
now, back to the Pikachu. you want to max its Spd, so you want to give it Spd EVs. every pokemon gives specific EVs. Magikarp gives 1 Spd EV. so a quick way would be to have your Pikachu defeat 255 Magikarp. now your Pikachu has max Spd. (this is of course possible with a Spd helping nature as well)

each pokemon gives different EVs, from one to three, usually in one stat but some spread it among multiple. aa i said Magikarp is worth 1 Spd EV. well Beautifly is worth 3 Sp.A EVs. so when you want to EV train a pokemon, you have to only have it fight pokemon that give the EVs you want. if you find a poke that gives the wrong EVs, then run away.

the vitamins(HP up, Iron, Calcium) give 10 free EVs to a stat, but your only allowed to give them 100 Evs this way(basically a poke can only get 10 vtamins)
also the Berries that say, "lower ??? stat, raise friendship", well those take away 10 EVs. they're good if you've acidentally gave a poke the wrong EVs.

for complete Pokemon EV lists, check serbii or bulbapedia.

trust me, EV training is good. i started EV training a Modest Charmander. by the time he was an 84 Charizard his Sp.A was pushing 300, a number my non-EV trained Charizard didn't reach until 97
no prob. i asked the same question myself when i first joined here and heard all the EV talk. i couldn't make heads or tails of it till CK explained it to me. now i understand how they work and can properly explain them myself
so some of the best poke players in the world are noobs? the site is a massive source of information, it would be noobish not to use it