Who are you voting/rooting for?

It just sounded funny saying it in the way you did. :D

Yes, going into Iraq was bad. But hindsight is 20/20. McCain will finish the war because that's what needs to be done. It's not a risk we can take. It's already a hotbed for Muslim Extremism. With Bhuto's assasination, the Middle East is going to crap...fast. Pulling out of the one place we have progress (don't always believe Fox >>) is the last thing we should do.

People don't realize we've had troop presence for quite a while in many countries.
manufan15 said:
Definitely Obama. I really dislike McCain and Guliani. Guliani said that you shouldn't vote for Romney because he hired illegal immigrants to do his gardening.

Wow. Nice reason. (sarcastic) All they do is try to insult the other Rebulicans. It really pisses me off. And all Guliani does is tell people what he's done in the past. Well you know what?? We wanna know what your going to do in the future!!!! :nonod:

first of all let me start off with saying, I dislike guliani, but the argument you gave was very weak and here is why
how are you going to know what someone is going to do in the future unless you examine their past....would you just take them at their word?? I dont think so, I think your past actions reflect your future ones and the fact that he has reduced crime ect. ect. shows that he has the perseverance to get the job done. by telling others what he has done in the past he is letting them know what he could do in the future...but again i want to say that I disagree with guliani on many issues which is why i am not voting for him :)
manufan15 said:
But how will we win the war?? I don't even see a possibility of how we can.

Violence levels HAVE gone down. Things ARE getting better. I don't like it either, since a country of our technology and *gasp* Military might shouldn't have to wait this long for results. But we do need to finish it before we leave. Meaning: get the iraqis off their butts. Really. That would help alot. They starting too, but not fast enough.
Brawny said:
It just sounded funny saying it in the way you did. :D

Yes, going into Iraq was bad. But hindsight is 20/20. McCain will finish the war because that's what needs to be done. It's not a risk we can take. It's already a hotbed for Muslim Extremism. With Bhuto's assasination, the Middle East is going to crap...fast. Pulling out of the one place we have progress (don't always believe Fox >>) is the last thing we should do.

People don't realize we've had troop presence for quite a while in many countries.
Rhetoric FTL D:
Obama definitely.

I really like Huckabee and Romney, simply because of their names.

Huckabee = I Heart Huckabees
Romney = Mitt "The Glove" Romney ...get it?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sovieto said:
i find it stupid how america is separated into demos and repubs... everyone should be independents and vote for who they think will do the best job...

Totally agree. If all candidates were independents, they would have to worry about conceding to the party's wishes, and people would elect a candidate based on their own credentials rather than what they think of their party. At the very least, I think a two-party state is a terrible idea and I'm glad Britain isn't one, since by its nature it fails to represent the broad spectrum of political ideologies (e.g. not everyone who is liberal wants socialist policies as well).
yeah Rudy is a basically a socialist, he was probably a mobster, he hates illegal/any immigrants, he sucks.
Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, or Barrack Obama are my choices. I like Mitt's platform better than the rest so far, i also want to bring Bill back into power, and i really don't know anything about Obama's platform but i guess i'd vote for him.
I like Mitt because he wants the power to be spread locally. People are always blaming the government because they are so far away from everything that sometimes the issues don't ever affect them. Well if we give more power to the states we will have a better and higher influence on getting things done. How he will do it beats me but i like the concept.