Who wants Metal Gear Solid Wii?

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Sam is far from snake... who is on SSBB again? Is it Sam or Snake? ..... Snake owns...
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zap'em up said:
What experience are u talking about the downloading or the HD cuz quite frankly i dont give a shyt. i think they should just put the the wii version out there just so anyone who duznt care about HD or downloading can get it cuz i think the FPS aspects of MSG would be great on the Wii. cath mah drift lol
YES! Thanku, That is wat I think... I don't care about the great graphics or downloadable stuff... Yes it would be cool if MGS on the wii could download stuff, yes I would like it to push the limits of the wii's graphical aspects, but all I care is that the gameplay would be fun and me shooting Snakes guns with they wii-mote? O my, I have been waiting so LONG!
llol yea i just wanna be apart of all this Metal Gear hype stuff lol and developers have said it b4 they think the wii has great potential becuz of its controls so how about u guyz dont just say that u put it into affect and make better FPS for the Wii and MGS4 would be awesome but it probaly wont happen
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MGS4 probably won't happen... But a new MGS or a spinnoff (THATS GOOD!) Would be great!
zap'em up said:
What experience are u talking about the downloading or the HD cuz quite frankly i dont give a shyt. i think they should just put the the wii version out there just so anyone who duznt care about HD or downloading can get it cuz i think the FPS aspects of MSG would be great on the Wii. cath mah drift lol

The "i dont give a shyt" feels like your insulting me :( But hopefully im just being paranoid :D

Well, to explain my response to his question he was asking which I think would have the BEST experience. Of course MGS4 would still be fun on the Wii. But since Wii has no DLC (or atleast nothing big) then chances are Konami would not release DLC for the Wii unless they released a external HD.
Obviously graphics is not everything (hell im still buying old original xbox games) but!... But since he asked what would be the BEST experience, I would go with PS3/360 graphics over the Wii's. Wii controls are nice, but Wii controls is not enough for me to pick Wii over PS3/360 because I rather have HD graphics and DLC over Wii controls. It just makes the experience better IMO. Have you seen the trailers? (Hypothetical, I know everyone has) I wouldnt want to miss out on those graphics.
If there were a metal gear on Wii, it'd be a spin-off. Metal gear ac!d and Metal gear: portable ops are spin-offs, an both awesome games imo. It would be great to see a metal gear on wii and 360, but I'm hoping the main installment remains to be made on a sony console... with spin-offs or online games on wii and 360.

But the 360 is struggling big time in japan, so we might not see that many japanese made titles on the 360. This will change though... hopefully. I am sick of MS throwing money at componies to make good looking games, eg: Square with Lost Odyssey.
Game Informer wasnt speaking too highly of Lost Odyssey last I saw. They said you are first to see somewhat of a cutscene type thing while its loading that you can skip through right before every battle. Some other crap too but I didnt read it all because I dont like that genre of games.
T3kNi9e said:
The "i dont give a shyt" feels like your insulting me :( But hopefully im just being paranoid :D

Well, to explain my response to his question he was asking which I think would have the BEST experience. Of course MGS4 would still be fun on the Wii. But since Wii has no DLC (or atleast nothing big) then chances are Konami would not release DLC for the Wii unless they released a external HD.
Obviously graphics is not everything (hell im still buying old original xbox games) but!... But since he asked what would be the BEST experience, I would go with PS3/360 graphics over the Wii's. Wii controls are nice, but Wii controls is not enough for me to pick Wii over PS3/360 because I rather have HD graphics and DLC over Wii controls. It just makes the experience better IMO. Have you seen the trailers? (Hypothetical, I know everyone has) I wouldnt want to miss out on those graphics.

i highly agree with u i would definitly play it on ps3 of 360 but since i dont have them i have to hope for it to go to the Wii and i kno i'd still have sum good fun on the wii with it but its more ment for controller style gameplay not pointing.
nd when i said i dont give a shyt i wasnt like insulting u i was just saying that im one of those persons who dont care about that stuff tahts y i dont have a 360 or ps3 because that kinda stuff duz not appeal to me like at all.
but yes i totally agree with u. but if they did have it they should make it for wii classic controller also for those who want it to be more like before. but good thing we dont have to worry about this cuz its probaly not going to happen
Snatchers on the Wii will be good for me. Snakes model in SSBB looks pretty good! Lots of people like snake yet I wonder what playing metal gear on the Wii would be like? I mean you have the balance board now. You know he would use it too! Also too you could actually do some cool things with the metal gear series on the Wii and metal gear WAS the most ported game Kojima has had. Hopefully people actually buy the PS3 version though. The guy is really cool with nintendo though. The tides are turning. I really don't care about the solid series though. Yet I love his designs and outlandish ideas. I mean really if he can make the graphics look like res evil and play like metal gear then I'm all for it! I could use more action though.
Oh hell no, never ruin MGS4 with the balance board. That would be a discrace, keep the noob casual games for the balance board plz. :p
I hope MGS4 is a ps3 exclusive. I'd rather see spin offs for the other consoles. Sure, using the pointer would be great on the wii and all, but I think making a spin off would produce a far better experience then just making the same game with lowered graphics.

And the ps3 controls are perfect for mgs. I hate using the xbox controller, even though the two are very similar, the small differences really make/break the game. Ofcourse, a PC version would be even sweeter for me, as I prefer my PC over any console, any day. :cool:
1) I could've sworn that in recent interviews, Hideo Kojima said he'd love to make a title for the Wii, but not necessarily an MGS title. Said he wanted to start something new. I'll update the post with a link when I find the link.

Honestly, I support the idea of branching out. MGS was just one of those games built upon great graphics to sort of make it feel half-like an interactive movie than a game, with great storytelling, expansive plot, and superb cutscenes. Wii can't pull those off to as great of levels as its competitors can. While I don't weigh everything in terms of graphics, some mainstream titles do well to benefit from them, and taking away that feature brings down their image. I'd support maybe a basic spinoff for Metal Gear, but Metal Gear Solid on Nintendo's current generation platforms? I'd rather not.

2) PS3 Exclusivity: It's a business, people. I'm seeing numbers from sources that MGS4 cost 70 million to develop. Seventy-million! Even additional articles suggest that they must sell one million copies on the first day to make up for such obscene development costs. All this is just too much to bare. I'm not much of a 360 fan, but for their company to continue to thrive, it would benefit them to have ports later down the line. Embrace it.
But they wont port its already been announced awhile ago that 360 will never see MGS4, so thats a mute point there is no reason for us to even think it will be. And for those that think the 360 can do the same things as the PS3 you are so wrong. HDDVDs can not hold as much space as a blu-ray therefore a PS3 game can hold more memory so the game can have uncompressed sound, better graphic, and can be longer...

This is going to be Kojimas last MGS game, the only reason he did this one is because he got alot of death threats. I for one dont want to play a metal gear game not made by him so i doubt there will be anymore... metal gear ac!d was not a good game... I dont know about Portable Ops because i have not been able to play yet.
I don't see where a Metal gear Wii game would go...

It'd be nothing compared to MSG4 though. I can tell you that much. But who knows. Hideo seems pretty Wii friendly with Brawl and all. Or maybe he's just 'Sakurai' friendly...

New "Hideo Energy Drink"! It's Sakurai-Friendly!
Belmont said:
But they wont port its already been announced awhile ago that 360 will never see MGS4, so thats a mute point there is no reason for us to even think it will be. And for those that think the 360 can do the same things as the PS3 you are so wrong. HDDVDs can not hold as much space as a blu-ray therefore a PS3 game can hold more memory so the game can have uncompressed sound, better graphic, and can be longer...

This is going to be Kojimas last MGS game, the only reason he did this one is because he got alot of death threats. I for one dont want to play a metal gear game not made by him so i doubt there will be anymore... metal gear ac!d was not a good game... I dont know about Portable Ops because i have not been able to play yet.

Sounds like a lot of rumors and speculations...even though I'm going to have to follow it up with more speculations :).

First, they will always announce that a game is exclusive, to help boost sales as it stands on the PS3 platform. However, if sales aren't anywhere near satisfactory, I guarantee it'll see a port to the 360 no sooner than 1 year, no later than 3.

Second, talking about the capacity of HDDVD vs Blu-Ray is also suspect. Well...for one, 360 doesn't use HDDVD. HD-DVD is an optional peripheral, and no game relies on HD-DVD format to play on the 360 as far as i know. Also, as far as I know, no game has taken full advantage of the 25gb capacity of the Blu-Ray format. The closest to approach such levels was Assassin's Creed, which was the first title I've heard of to nearly go beyond the capacity of Dual Layer discs that the 360 uses.

Third, saying it's Kojima's last MGS title because of death threats....I can't even take that statement seriously.