Why are the graphics in Mario Kart Wii so bad?

Another way to look at this is that the game is Mario Kart.

When you're racing do you wanna pause the game and turn the camera 360 and admire how detail the wheels are? or do you wanna crash into someone so you can see that freeze shot of explosion like Motor Storm?
Not that I would know much but you have to also consider the number of carts that's racing and how big the map is. The Wii can only punch out so much polygon at once.

Of course that doesn't mean Big N can just slack off in the visual department but it also doesn't mean we should expect SSBB like graphic due to the nature of the game. I do think they could've take the graphics further but I'm pleased with what I see now.
Bah. The people who are dissapointed in the game cus of it's graphics shall burn in hell. Screw the graphics, as long as they don't represent the 64 or anything before, they're ok.

(GC graphic were always good fer me....YOU PEOPLE ARE PICKY!)
How many people who were going to purchase Mario Kart are seriously not going to purchase it now because of it's graphics?

No one. Graphics don't matter to people who just wanna destroy their friends with turtle shells and banana peels and the like. They don't care how it happens. Trust me, as long as the graphics are solid and the gameplay is good the game will sell well.
Sovieto said:
bitching out under nintendo's brainwashing philosophy is gonna be the thing that gets you a wii2 with xbox 1 visuals.
Seriously though, as long as the graphics aren't god-awful, gameplay is twenty times more important than graphics. Look at the PS3, which is a great example. Great graphics, yet only a few great games.

EDIT: For my example, that is only counting games that have already come out. Just mentioning this so you don't burn me.
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im the kind of person that don't care about graphics in mario kart cmon people its MARIO KART!

one of the best games man
The photos previously posted looked extremely enlarged, therefore making the graphics very fuzzy.

In the videos of gameplay, I thought the game actually had decent graphics, but maybe it's just me.
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wezeles said:
Not sure how your figuring that.

And I thought your fanboy comments were pretty much behind you untill this..lol

How are you getting any better gameplay with the 360?

The controller is next to identical to the previous version, and almost ever "hit" game has been a sequal to an older game, most with the exact same controls. Almost all the actual New games haven't strayed far enough away from the same thing you expect with xbox to even call them unique games, or to claim they have unique gameplay.
There has been zero advancment or improvement on gameplay they don't even have there own unique peripherals yet. You get nothing more for the price but improved graphics.

PS3 atleast dabbled in the idea with improved gameplay. They added in motion sensing controller at the last second. Still pretty much identical to the first controller they made 13 yeats ago. Atleast they have the new eye toy comming soon, but thats also just an improvment on a old idea, but atleast it looks to be a pretty big improvement.

Nintendo has never had the same controller configuration with any of there 5 consoles over 25 years!
Keep on pushing the same buttons and loving it, but don't try claiming any of the current consoles are even close to Nintendo when it comes to the concept of gameplay, it's nothing more than fanboy opinion.

Since when did the physical controls represent the unitary concept underlying the elusive "gameplay"? To me, the story, internal mechanics of the game, etc. are equally important, if not much more so, to the physical controls. The physical controls can greatly add to the immersiveness. However, few, if any, Wii games to date have implemented this successfully.

Even though the 360 hasn't added anything revolutionary to the physical controls, the myriad of other facets that coalesce to form "gameplay" have proved to be very...well...amazing in many 360 games (as in at least a few Wii games).

To say that the physical controls are what make or break the gameplay of a game would imply that SSBB is a pretty ho-hum game, considering it uses the same controls as its last generation predecessor. So if it's not OK for 360 games to use traditional controls, it must not be for SSBB either, right?
Well IMO, Nintendo is yet again trying to prove that you don't need good graphics to enjoy a great game. Do graphics really mean that much to people to decide whether or not they will like a game?
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nic7 said:
How many people who were going to purchase Mario Kart are seriously not going to purchase it now because of it's graphics?

No one. Graphics don't matter to people who just wanna destroy their friends with turtle shells and banana peels and the like. They don't care how it happens. Trust me, as long as the graphics are solid and the gameplay is good the game will sell well.

Sure, the game will still sell like hotcakes, regardless of the graphics.

However, what happened to striving for perfection and video games as an art form?

I thought that was what the Big N was about (at least the former point)?

Sure the game will still be fun, but why sell yourself short? Why slack off on one of the biggest first party titles that will ever hit the Wii?
I knew reading this thread title that people would play the "oh do you really think graphics matter over gameplay." card a lot.

I agree with that, but I agree with Atomheart more.

The Wii IS capable of decent graphics, really. And no graphics are not the most important thing, but they do add to the game experience. The fact that they look like that shows that the producers just didn't feel like putting in the effort to fine tune the graphics.....and if they didn't want to put that in, how do we know they put in their best efforts to make an effective game system, physics engine, gameplay mechanics, etc.

I know graphics are not the most important thing....but we still want it to look good...... don't get lazy on on, Nintendo.
wezeles is extremely contradicting in everything he says. You can see he has a double standard in just about all of his posts.
I think the graphics look fine. The game is trying to be in keeping with the original Mario Kart and has that Mario look about it. Having more detailed graphics probably wouldn't work for this game.
wezeles said:
I dont think its backwards from Double Dash, But its not even much of a leap forward. the picture is clearer but some of the shapes are awful.. could have done a better job of it thats for sure...

Maybe they rushed it out with the popularity.
<pics removed to save space>
Looks like a good idea that wasn't finnished.. Sad but still is gonna be a great game.

All the karts look like they're hovering a couple inches off the ground.