Why was HAMMER dropped?

Digital Fl

DigitalFlareon = toolong
Dec 16, 2007
My secret closet lab
Wii Online Code

No seriously, I just heard this(slowpoke.gif) and I was shocked and sad. Is there any apparent reason for this cancellation?
grr, i was so mad when i heard about this, the game looked like a promesing new franchise......but i belive it was axed because the developers decided to work on other game.......the game wasnt trashed, it was "cancelled" we can still see it in the future *fingers crossed*
i think the dev team was put on other "projects" aka mini game comps
I think the game just became to repetitive and didn't want to spend anymore time on it. Beat em ups get boring....

Or it was all a ploy to get Adult gamers interested in the system before launch. AND IT WORKED!
The game looked OK I probably would have bought it but I don't know I do like games where I just knock the stuffing out of stuff it is quite fun and hammer is just a little much but why it is canceled is still unknown to me...
<a little off topic> dropping a hammer = taking a dump...i was crackin up at the title of this thread..
Well it was dropper for another game, whatever that was remains to be seen.
But like I said in another thread, the game has been seen in magazines and on the web again, people are talking about it now. Maybe its on its way back?

Lets all hope I guess.
I don't know why i thought this but i thought you were talking about Mc Hammer i was bout to say wow i havent heard that name in awhile.
I think the developer got put on new projects and now they are trying to find a new developer for the full game. Plus they haven't even decided on an official name.
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Wasn't the team who did Metroid Prime Hunters the developers for this? The hammer guy would've made a killer Brawl character imo.