Wii in Australia thread

Anyone hear of something called a 'Nintendo Wii'? It sounds pretty good, but I guess all you sport fanatics wouldn't care for an 'indoor' machine, would you?


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Hey yeah! I head o' that thing...I was playing it just recently...unlike you with your XBOX360!!!

My bro just got me a new mouse for my b'day...I'm going away to Forster on Saturday for a week...it's usually nice up there so it should all be good, it's like an annual thing that we do, but the normal place that we stayed at was booked out so we're at another place this time...and that's my life story....THE END!
Actually, I was playing the Wii all day with my friends. So..there? We played Monkey Ball, and somehow they enjoyed themselves. Which was weird. I mean, MONKEY BALL IS PRETTY BAD, YES? Yes.
Then I shall just tell you, my good man.
I was gonna get out Wario, which is slightly better, but since we had to use the same control I couldnt be bothered cause that needed movement.
gpoleweski said:
OK Eki I'm SORRY. I was just CURIOUS. I think JAPANESE are into PING PONG or is that the other ASIANS?

Okay, seriously what's with all the CAPITAL LETTERS?
CAPITAL letters show that THE person is SHOUTING, even if all THEY ARE DOING IS typing. DOES IT not get the POINT across?

Example: shares have gone down, some old retired people are being ripped off by banks, you can buy food cheaper than in coles, NARUTO IS IN BRAWL, AND SUPER SMASH BROTHERS IS COMING OUT TOMORROW, daria dvd's are never going to be released, stroy about airlines having cheap prices if your going to your neighbouring city, vandals are terrorizing the neighbourhood

I need to get over Naruto and get back to Negima!?
I bought the USB Dongle...
I feel like playing GHIII too! Stupid Xbox Live never finds anyone...least i dont need numbers to play and have voice chat.
hush child... i use wireless internet router it is under my desk cbf findout what it is=D... anyway deanis i tried 2 add you but it wouldnt let me do ur last number? and it says pending request so ill wait... my friend code seems correct what do you mean 8digit?
Mine cost too much. More then it should have. About $20 more then it SHOULD HAVE. My router is downstairs, and can't remember what it was. But when I was buying routers the average seemed to cost $90 -- but I've been seeing them advertised for cheaper now. I don't remember where I got my second router. I got my Modem (where I SHOULD have also gotten my Router) from Tandy or something. I got my first router from Harvey Norman when I bought my Laptop.
In an unrelated to Nintendo note I got my L's today. (Yeah I know I should have gotton them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggges ago) Went out driving around the Coles car park (Once it was closed of course) and learnt you don't need to push hard down on the accelerator to move forward. :lol: