Wii in Australia thread

Hey, Eagles fear not - I got my L's back in July and I STILL have not done any driving. So you are doing way better then I am.
toomstone, the last digit u dont have to 'push enter' for. u just click on the Accept button once u have picked it...
Like the rest of the numbers u have to click the green Button, but then for the last one you just push the 'plus' button. Hope that helps.
I have a belkin router cost...$60 on special...not the greatest but it does its job well, got it from dick smith electronics at North Parramatta...

Congrats Eagles on getting your Ls my bro and sis only just got their Ps they got their Ls at about the same time as you...Lucky you...you get a whole 120 hours...well I guess it's easy for you..you can just drive 5 min and go crazy in the desert. Are you learning with a qualified instructor or your mum or dad?

Has anyone else watched the videos on GH:III? They're quite....weird...I'm tlaking about the ones you have to buy...
yeah i have sent you an invite deanis... probs wont get on 2 moz but when i get back from NZ everyone should have added me=D DO IT NOW and we can all battle im just a bit better than an average medium player i think=D
I'll check 2morro arvo its too late (early) to be playing Wii, as its right in the middle of my house.
I have hardly anyone on my Wii friends list, I would like to add you guys So if you would like me to add you please post, YES and then your Wii username and number. Cheers
Ok I will add you shortly, If anyone else wish's for me to add them please do the same.