Your favourite breakfast cereal!

Griever said:

You have an attention span not an attention spam... The latter is a poorly made foodstuff intended to replace ham ;l
well typing on wii while being 3/4 blihng isnt easy
K Grievers really getting on my nerves, every post by him/her are just parts of arguments... I haven't actually seen you post something with a point, or actually something that isn't arguing, I suggest you change your ways before you get reported, and then banned.

And back to the point I don't particularly like cereal, I loooove lucky charms, can't go to America without having any. In the morning I just tend to have a cup of tea and toast. Oooooor egg and dip :D (French toast) anyone else have this? My grandfathers been making it for me since I've been old enough to eat it ^_^
K Grievers really getting on my nerves, every post by him/her are just parts of arguments... I haven't actually seen you post something with a point, or actually something that isn't arguing, I suggest you change your ways before you get reported, and then banned.

I apologise for being objective...


Nice trolling attempt, btw, mucho lulz at you. :eek:ut:
speacil K is surprisingly tasty...but c good old chocolate cereal will do me!
Wow, I thoguht I posted in this before......Oh well.

My favorite cereal is.....err....are Coco Puffs, Honey Combs, and Cherios....
I like Wheaties/Cinnamon Toast Crunch/Boo Berry/Reese's Puffs/French Toast Crunch/Kashi GoLean.

But 90% of the time I eat Wheaties.

In fact, today I wanted some Wheaties, but we didn't have any milk. So I poured some orange juice instead, and it was horrible. But I ate it anyway.:cool: