Zant=too easy

Yes he is easy, but so is the rest of the game. Ganandorf is the only one that was a real challenge. I'm hoping that next time around all of the bosses are about the difficulty of ganandorf, and the final boss is MUCH harder. I want to not be able to beat the final boss on the first try!
I thought the semi-easy bosses were a good idea. It's less stress on the player and it makes you feel like you've accomplished something and didn't just run around that temple for 3 hours doing nothing.
I think 7 minutes is an exaggeration.

But yeah the final battle was easy, but it was fun.

And I wasn't too disappointed with the ending credits, people were complaining I remember, about it not tying things up or something. Everything was tied up in the end though.
Actually the bosses in Zelda have always been pretty easy, they have gotten much bigger over the years but progressively easier. This game has always been more about the story and getting to the boss than the difficulty level of them. I could go for a little more difficulty next time around though, guess we shall see.
The battles were fun, but all the bosses (including Ganondorf) were easy. Still, its fun to make up your own combinations. For example, when fighting Ganon I rolled through his legs instead of jumping around him to backslash.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Yes he is easy, but so is the rest of the game. Ganandorf is the only one that was a real challenge. I'm hoping that next time around all of the bosses are about the difficulty of ganandorf, and the final boss is MUCH harder. I want to not be able to beat the final boss on the first try!

The hardest parts weren't bosses, they were the escort, and fighting two armored knights at once.
agreed, way to easy, but still very much much, fun, the game was great, everytime i get bored of all my games, i go and put in zelda and start a new game
i wanted the bosses the exact same way/strategie except that you must hit them about 10x more. the hardest boss ever in zelda is in majora's mask (the fish thingy that takes 3 hearts from you every time it attacks) but i love that boss!!!