zelda movie in the making!

Seems very lord of the rings style. Even the music at the end is from it. I think i might see it but i dont have extremely high expectations of this film.
AHAHAHAHAHA!!.................... that is the gayest thing I have ever seen! I like the magma! AHAHAHA...... and the clouds going so fast chuck norris would have competition! ahahaha..... woooo........ yeah.....
To be Honest it was a good movie considering it was made by people that had nothing better to do...i seriously dought its going to be a real movie that we're going to see in the cinima but i think it was good i mean they had great backround like the chapal and the woods and stuff, though i must agree Link looks like a queer!
I have a episode of the old Zelda cartoon and a episode of Mario Bros on tape. I havent watched it since eI was about 8, but I do remember it being good at the time.
untill you can do it, dont diss it. Is links hair too blond, yeah alittle, is the triforce in black pen bad, yeah, but no one has herd of post production? That stuff can be fixed by any good art student that know after effects? For what it is, and dont forget what it is ( a fan made move, by fans for fans), its awsome i think. Thats dedication. Those are real fans, and while some may not like it, and thats fine, its not cool to dis fans.

But dont mind me, im just ranting with the rest of you
Icetrash said:
ohhh seeing that trailor has made me not want to see the movie anymore..... looks like a low budget film... not my type of movie, i need to atleast have one celebrity i know for me to go see the movie.
Ive seen quite a few great movies that didnt need one big celebrity in it, low budget movies can still be better, that being said that Zelda movie dont look too good to me
okay, the guy is NOT so bad..a little too blonde, but besides that, he does NOT look that bad, come on! His clothes, too, could use a little more wrinkling, but come on, it is NOT that bad! I would so watch it! lol
The person who is playing link is horrible. They need somebody who is more elf-like. (meaning agile, thin, blah blah blah.)