Zelda: OOT VC graphics upgrade?

my direct point is that back then the NES or SNES didn't depend on graphics for a great game. Now it's all about graphics, visuals, detail, etc. I don't mind that though i want games to look beautiful in every aspect. But if there's bad gameplay i'm not picking it up. Tell me would you rather have better gameplay with bad graphics or good graphics with bad gameplay?
People here are so daft. The gameplay is identical. If the graphics are better, and the gameplay is the same, which game would you prefer? Obviously the one with better graphics, as it has an advantage.
Also, OOT was so popular partially because the graphics were mindblowing for their time.
It's a simple question people. N64 version or GC version. You don't have to get bent out of shape because of your "It's all about game play" attatude.
We just want to know which one it is.
I haven't noticed anything really about the graphics but the whole image seems a lot cleaner to me. I have both the N64 version and the GC version. While the GC game looks cleaner than the N64 one but the Wii version is just in a different league. It even makes Twilight Princess look blury!