007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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I was leaning more towards the challenges side of the ranking. SE has some good challenges we could use for our own clan.
I'm up for the challenges.
Like the gun Thief challenge and stuff like that.
SE's challenge system:

Rule #3 - 3. Sins Enraged will have a ranking system based on what challenges you complete. The harder the challenge, the higher your rank.

Sins Enraged {SE} Challenges:
You must complete ALL of the challenges listed below the rank in order to obtain it.

Get a 10 Elimination Streak.
Win 5 games in a row.
Get 20 or more kills in a game.
Kill 2 people with one bullet.
Melee 2 people in a single game.

Silver: Get a 15 Elimination Streak.
Win 15 Games in a row.
Get 25 or more kills in a game.
5 Elimination Dominate another player.
Melee 3 people in a single game.

Gold: Get a 20 Elimination Streak.
Win 25 games in a row.
Get 30 or more kills in a game.
Kill 3 people with with an explosive.
Melee 4 people in a single game.
5 Elimination Dominate a player that has a higher level than you.

Platinum: Get a 25 Elimination Streak.
Win 40 games in a row.
Get 40 or more kills in a game.
10 Elimination Dominate another player.
Kill 4 people within 3 seconds.
5 Elimination Dominate a level 56.
Melee 5 people in a single game.

If you earn the Platinum Rank, you may add a "+" symbol after your tag. Exp. {SE+}Anima
This means you have completed all of the challenges and that you are a valued {SE} Member.
Ah, i kinda meant list a couple of challenges for us to compete in without actually atttaching anything to it
Like playing blind,
Killing with explosives only,
hipfire only,
that kinda thing.
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I've already hit the 12-character limit for in-game name, so I wouldn't be able to put a "+" on it anyway. Besides, I don't need "challenges" to know that I am a "valued member" of E7! We are all valued members! :D
I like SE's idea of where the challenges you complete determine your rank.
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I"m pretty sure i could complete the platinum challenge if i wanted too, i got all of them but the 40win streak already.
I just don't see the point of it. Nor do i want to add a + to the E7 tag.It just looks cheesy.
But that is just me.
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