18+ Question for The Damn of It


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
This is a question for men only.

Let's take it that you wake up in the morning with a very high sex apetite, and you're just crazy to do it. So you just take a bath, eat some breakfast, put yourself good looking, and than you go for a walk..

You're at the streets walking, and you're feeling good and suddenly you get crossed with a really hot girl that just makes you think about it, you two look at each other intensely. You can't resist her, you grab her, she likes it, you take her home, you two are crazy for each other, and you just wanna do it.

And now's the funny side of the story. Before doing it, you just realize of your girlfriend that is out for some weeks. So the question here is:

Would you still do it?

Be sincere!!
just know some teens do it to.

NO!!!!!!! thats stupid because once your girlfriend finds out SHE IS GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!
>Implying ill ever have a girl friend.

dont worry dprinny there is a girl out there for you
dont worry dprinny there is a girl out there for you



>Implying ill settle down

Id hate to wake up and see the same face every day.
Thats why there are no mirrors in my bedroom
This is a question for men only.

Let's take it that you wake up in the morning with a very high sex apetite, and you're just crazy to do it. So you just take a bath, eat some breakfast, put yourself good looking, and than you go for a walk..

You're at the streets walking, and you're feeling good and suddenly you get crossed with a really hot girl that just makes you think about it, you two look at each other intensely. You can't resist her, you grab her, she likes it, you take her home, you two are crazy for each other, and you just wanna do it.

And now's the funny side of the story. Before doing it, you just realize of your girlfriend that is out for some weeks. So the question here is:

Would you still do it?

Be sincere!!

Nah, I wouldn't do it. Even though if I was been itching to do it, I still won't do it....................... WOULD YOU DO IT,DemonFlair????????

P.S I'm not 18+.:lol: Sooooo, yeah....
Nahh, I love my chick. So, even if I was itching that bad to do it, I wouldn't have ever grabbed the other chick to begin with.
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Nah, I wouldn't do it. Even though if I was been itching to do it, I still won't do it....................... WOULD YOU DO IT,DemonFlair????????

P.S I'm not 18+.:lol: Sooooo, yeah....

To answer that question, it's pretty obvious that I would do it. And to face it, I think that most men would do it too..

Nahh, I love my chick. So, even if I was itching that bad to do it, I wouldn't have ever grabbed the other chick to begin with.

That's true, you love her, and there is really something controversial about that. Because you're possibly saying that now, but if she made a move on you, you're not going to think about that in the moment, it's something that it's really hard to control in the moment..
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just know some teens do it to.

NO!!!!!!! thats stupid because once your girlfriend finds out SHE IS GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!

If she's just a girlfriend then you should be all right, so yes.

Now there's a diference right? If she's just a girlfriend it would mind that you wouldn't care to betray her.. but when you love her it's allot diferent, and you'll have to think twice before doing it.
just know some teens do it to.

NO!!!!!!! thats stupid because once your girlfriend finds out SHE IS GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!

If she's just a girlfriend then you should be all right, so yes.

Now there's a diference right? If she's just a girlfriend it would mind that you wouldn't care to betray her.. but when you love her it's allot diferent, and you'll have to think twice before doing it.

Hey, if you really love her, she wouldn't just be a girlfriend. You would have married her, right?
Dprinny you doubt yourself too much.


treat your girlfriend like an angel

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