60gb PS3 is NO MO

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paintba||er said:
That is the stupidest thing Sony has done yet. Dumbasses...

They should have just ran with the whole price cut thing.

I wonder if this was perhaps not suppose to get out until sometime in 2008 and the information just slipped.
haha Sony is funny. I'd laugh if every 6 months to a year they announce a new PS3 with a bigger HDD with older models continually getting phased out, and their owners feeling a bit screwed over. If so why didn't they just put in a 200-500 gig hdd to begin with and cut out this nonsense.

I guess it doesn't matter for me personally. I got the price cut, the emotion engine, and I can buy a big ass HDD if I really need it. I don't think I will unless the PS3 gets some tivo like recording or something of that nature in the future, and if so I will want to take advantage of that.
Sony really makes you wonder sometimes. Personally I'd rather pay less for a 60GB model than pay over the top for 80GB, and I'm fairly sure most people would agree.
They should have kept the 60gb so people who don't want or need 80gb don't have to pay all the money for it ($600 opposed to $500). Dumb move on Sony's part I think.
Eh. Sony isnt playing it completely well this first year. But o wellz. I got one 100$ cheaper so i am H-A-P-P-Y
The 20GB model is still 100 bucks cheaper and can do all the things that the 60GB model can... RIGHT?

But that's half silly, half smart.

I think they're just taking a chance.
It could work, and everybody will go to the new 80GB, and they'll be happy.
Or... Not.
Fire Sale

As I understand it, the 80gb model is going to switch to software emulation of legacy titles, presumably to save money, and the extra 20 gb + a pack-in aren't substantial cost increases. They might even be spending less total on this new package than on the old 60gb model, which means less loss per unit.

They're kind of between a rock and a hard place, and this is shifting sideways. They offer a little more (superficially) for the same money, (probably) lose less per sale, get some gains from the 60gb fire sale, and hold out hope that in the long run, gamer's demands for power in an increasingly HD world draw them in and some future games demonstrate that the PS3 can do it better than any other. In the meantime, PSP and PS2 redesigns to increase sales and decrease costs respectively. They don't have tons of other options.

I still anticipate a real price cut this year. Microsoft actually discussed the need for a lower 360 price point recently, indicating that with their lower chip costs, it's on the brain. When it does happen (holiday time), that's going to pressure PS3 to follow just to stand still.