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Pondering Member
Jun 30, 2006
A basement on the hill.
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Hey, just wondered how everyone was dealing with today, September 11th; 9/11?

I live in America, so it's a very somber day. No one I knew was on any of the planes nor in the World Trade Center or Pentagon, thank goodness. Sadly, I'm guessing that's not the case for everyone here.

I was in Math class in my first year of Middle School when it all started, but I didn't find out until that afternoon. The images on TV of planes exploding and buildings falling were so completly odd and sureal, I didn't know what to make of them. Later on I was more able to comprehend it and I felt like crying, but annoyingly enough, being an average American boy, I couldn't, which made me even sadder.

We talked a bit about it in History class today and our teacher said it's our generation's defining moment, sort of how WWII was for people of that time. He said it's going to be weird in about 30 years when kids learn about 9/11 in school and see it as just another boring event and date; that's sort of the nature of the beast.

What are everyone's thoughts and emotions?
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i remember it was my first year at a private school and were were in Bible Class but our room was being used for something and we had to have class in the gym. well our principle came in and said the WTC just got bombed. we brought 5 TVs into the gym and the whole school was their. while we were watching, the 2nd tower got hit so i saw it live. it was a very scary moment. the worst part is, the very same day the planes were back in the air, we were on a flight to Florida for a cruise
thats odd when i was at school in 5th grade all the teachers kept it a secret from the whole school and they did a good job too lol...plus we had a bomb scare...anyways, at school today, we had 3 moments of silence, one in the morning at like 8:00 when the annaouncements were on, one at 9:59 and one at 10:27 or whenever the towers were hit...other than that, today, at school was a pretty normal day except for history class...after school i didnt c too many ppl not too much was going on
yeah us in colorado just got a bunch of hail. and some kid got into a fight and got his @$$ whooped by a freshman.

some kid tried to get everybody in the school to skip that day, to create a "national holiday" so we can get the day off every year. that was stupid.
Jakobthelyre said:
yeah us in colorado just got a bunch of hail. and some kid got into a fight and got his @$$ whooped by a freshman.

some kid tried to get everybody in the school to skip that day, to create a "national holiday" so we can get the day off every year. that was stupid.

lol thats pretty funny (but in a good way, not evil way)
One of my friends had like 15+ relatives on the plane, i was only like in year 5 i think or 4 dunno. Maybe even year 3. We didnt know about it at scool but my paretns had told me as soon as it happened cause it was like night time in Australia i think. I was quite afraid.
15+....is your friend arabic? I know its kinda wrong, but i seriously think hes lieing..no one even cares about 9/11, like no one mentions it or anything, it was only mentioned once in math class when my teacher told us the date, and she just said: a very sad day
its prety sad acutally =[

My story:
3rd grade, September 10th: my friend: "richard richard! were getting bombed!! were getting bombed! check the radio! check the news! its everywhere!" i check nothing and relizes she was joking
September 11th: nothing mentioned at school, i dont believe my friend again, then she turned on my TV and i just saw people talking and then saw a video of the second plane i think, thats all i remember from watching the news, next day in school we had a moment of silence

yah the whole friend thing is the scariest thing in the world..im serious it happened
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Sovieto said:
15+....is your friend arabic? I know its kinda wrong, but i seriously think hes lieing..no one even cares about 9/11, like no one mentions it or anything, it was only mentioned once in math class when my teacher told us the date, and she just said: a very sad day
its prety sad acutally =[

My story:
3rd grade, September 10th: my friend: "richard richard! were getting bombed!! were getting bombed! check the radio! check the news! its everywhere!" i check nothing and relizes she was joking
September 11th: nothing mentioned at school, i dont believe my friend again, then she turned on my TV and i just saw people talking and then saw a video of the second plane i think, thats all i remember from watching the news, next day in school we had a moment of silence

yah the whole friend thing is the scariest thing in the world..im serious it happened
It was in year 3-5 and the guy was american and im pretty sure he had add. Im positive he lost some members but he might have just exageratted it a little
yeah my mom was watching the smoking building and then saw a second plane crash.

man that must have been confusing/scary.

i was in sixth grade, havent even woken up for school yet and my brother was telling me and i said "yeah yeah, two planes crashed into a building.... so what? the building was in the way and they were bad pilots. now let me go back to sleep."

then i found out they were terrorists. ooh!!! i clearly remember my friend telling me "i bet you its those DAMN RUSSIANS!!"

yeah.. it wasnt.

where am i going with this?
MetroidZ said:
move on.

every damn year.... :rolleyes:

Move on? Not to be mean but you are obviously not American. 9/11 symbolizes much more than a tragedy, but a test to our nation which we exceeded with such unwavering support it's downright remarkable. Anybody can blow up a building. Anybody, an idiot, a fool, you name it. But the firefighters and the police and the helpers running into the collapsing towers just for their jobs... even though they knew it could have been there demise... we'll thats just amazing. America will never be shut down. Democracy will never be shut down. The only thing they did was piss us off, and made us run blindly into iraq to kill thousands of innocent lives. Hurray for them.

Please remember the 3000 innocent american lives that were killed that day on their SOIL, for absolutley NOTHING, and then remember your saying move on. It's just not right.
OMG THATS SO WIERD.....I WAS IN MATH CLASS IN MY FIRST YEAR OF MIDDLE SCHOOL WHEN IT HAPPENED TOO! WOW THATS CRAZY MAN CRAZY....and yes i live in America too, and i always dread this day, but i was also one who had no relatives who were invovled with the attack. But i do have a neighbor who worked in the Trade Center, but ironically didnt go to work on the 11th......so thats good.....
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sKin said:
The only thing they did was piss us off, and made us run blindly into iraq to kill thousands of innocent lives. Hurray for them.
Yeah, WTF!? Bush said, megaphone in hand that day that we would go after the people who did this and then soon after, we're going into Iraq? Bush stated, Cheney stated, heck everyone stated there were and are still no ties between bin Laden and Sadam. Now we've helped terrorism by doing a horrendous job in Iraq; it's a terrorist breeding ground over there.

What a mess.
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, WTF!? Bush said, megaphone in hand that day that we would go after the people who did this and then soon after, we're going into Iraq? Bush stated, Cheney stated, heck everyone stated there were and are still no ties between bin Laden and Sadam. Now we've helped terrorism by doing a horrendous job in Iraq; it's a terrorist breeding ground over there.

What a mess.

Yup this is true, innocent Iraquis were killed as well as Americans who died during the whole war; Bush sent them in there just to get killed and kill the innocent, and im sure oil had a LOT to do with it...do u know how many Iraqi children were left as orphans? i watched a premier on the news about an Iraqi orphanage for girls--all of their parents were killed by american troops through an invasion of the home and brutally murdered the innocence...should i go on to tell about the parents who were bulldozed for no reason? leaving the parents body parts everywhere and the kids there, orphans now just looking at their parents body parts all around their home. anyways, if the troops dont get out right now, more bloodshed would spread and overall more innocent lives will b taken in the worst way
its so stupid how my school didnt have a moment of silence. i mean weve been doin it ever since i got there and why all of a sudden, when we got a new principal, no moment of silence is scheduled.
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