Teachers you hate to love.


Isn't here as much
Oct 28, 2006
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Well, I've come across a teacher my final year in high school that well... Drives me up the wall, but I love her.

Name's Mrs. Watson. 50-something years old.

She's my advanced math teacher for honors.

So far, she's known around as one of the hardest teachers in the school.
There's another advanced math teacher, I had her for Algebra 2 last year, and her only advanced math class is FULL. While my class has... 16 people in it. I think...

Well, she IS hard. She used to teach college. But she's only hard 'cause she teaches on a level higher than what we're used to. Heck, we have to think for ourselves.

For instance, she'll teach us something, and then we have homework that's due like, a week and half later.

Most of us complain that it's hard, yet havn't done the homework. I think that's the problem.

But she's cool. She always cracking us up. Always giving us life lessons and telling us to "Show our mathematical enthusiasm" 'cause this lady loves math. She even missed a day of school to go to a "I love math" convention!

And the best part, she gives us candy and stickers.
That's right.

You get a sticker by:
Making an A on a test.
Being in an extracurricular event.
She even gave somebody a sticker for not getting a sticker 'cause everyone else got a sticker.

Heck, even Friday she gave me and this other girl a bag of candy for being in the play!

But she follows the rules, though.
She'll write you up if you do something wrong. I actually have to shave EVERY morning (I hate shaving D:! Blast ye fast-growing beard!).

So how about you guys?
You got a teacher like this?
Sort of.

But its because shes bi-polar.
So she welcomes us in to sit down..then yells at us to take our seats :lol:
My English teacher was a total legend. She got us to buckle down and do all the work, and everyone always had it in on time, which never ever happened for any other class, she was strict but she was God damn funny. Even more sarcastic than myself, she was basically spawned directly off God.

Now I've got an old woman who has no sense of humour or personality, and it's really dull. I miss her so much. :(

She's pregnant, I even asked her to name her kid after me, but that's another story xD
Oh God. Mr.Gilchrist. What a crazy guy. "Type A" kind of personality if you catch my drift, but like your teacher, Trulen, he always incorporated a life lesson or what have you into whatever we were doing. Very smart individual, even though I hated him sometimes. He was my teacher for 4 years straight (5th-9th) and we (my class) got to know him very well, as well he got to know us.

He was a "tie everything back to the Bible" kind of guy, which was good, but sometimes it got annoying because it seemed like he was going WAY out of the way to do it...

I miss a lot of the friends I met when I was being taught by him, since I'm now split from all of them now that I'm in Public School. The only reason we were so tight was because he had us do so many things together. But, yeah...he was one that you had a constant love/hate relationship with. Miss him to death though.
Well, yeah. Last year, my 8th grade science teacher. She was pure evil, but awesome at the same time. She always picks on the little nerdy kids, the smartest girls, and...she graded hardest on the guys...but she was still awesome. She shows up to our class one day, and the second bell rings. We dont get into our seats, as usual, for another minute or two, and when were all settled down, she lies back in her chair..."You know what...I dont feel like teaching today...go do whatever you want..." and she turns to her computer and she uses it the whole class, while were having paper wasp fights in the back of the room, stacking desks on top of each other and knocking them down...gtms, gtms...

She always yelled at this one kid, Aaron...he was like a huge nerd and he would walk in the room and say hi to her, and she'd be like "SHUT UP AARON I DONT WANT TO HEAR A WORD FROM YOU!!!" She was so hilariously evil, i guess :mad5:
uloseiwin said:
Well, yeah. Last year, my 8th grade science teacher. She was pure evil, but awesome at the same time. She always picks on the little nerdy kids, the smartest girls, and...she graded hardest on the guys...but she was still awesome. She shows up to our class one day, and the second bell rings. We dont get into our seats, as usual, for another minute or two, and when were all settled down, she lies back in her chair..."You know what...I dont feel like teaching today...go do whatever you want..." and she turns to her computer and she uses it the whole class, while were having paper wasp fights in the back of the room, stacking desks on top of each other and knocking them down...gtms, gtms...

She always yelled at this one kid, Aaron...he was like a huge nerd and he would walk in the room and say hi to her, and she'd be like "SHUT UP AARON I DONT WANT TO HEAR A WORD FROM YOU!!!" She was so hilariously evil, i guess :mad5:
That's not a teacher, that's a babysitter.

my one teacher mr. haller. everyone thinks hes so hard and thinks hes a loser but hes the chess club teacher and i go there and hes really cool there. he tells us all our work for each week on monday and its a lot of homework but most people just do it all the day before then ***** about how its so hard and what not. i think hes cool.
uloseiwin said:
EXACTLY. I got my worst grade in that class, learned absolutely nothing, but it was great :)
I see. Sounds like oodles of fun.

Sixth grade, name s Mrs. Ferguson...

Unfortunately, we're talking the other way around, most people loved hating her. She was simply crazy, always making faces at us (little pissed off faces with the puffy lips lolz) had lice and such. That grade every class she had was so bad she quit that school o_O

Another one was my Math Teacher last year... he wrestled with the students (He was an old guy too) He managed to get some kids head between his legs, while cobra clutching another kid at the same time :D Also was completely a jackass, you couldn't eat in class unless you gave him some food, and his reason he could do things in class that we couldn't was because he was te teacher <.< Either way, he deserves some props :]
My Bio teacher as well.
Shes a stunner.
Young, pretty..but shes so annoying.

Constantly reminding us to do work, whats due etc.
Which I guess is what a teacher does.

But there is something else I would rather have her do. :ihih:
CantGetAWii said:
My Bio teacher as well.
Shes a stunner.
Young, pretty..but shes so annoying.

Constantly reminding us to do work, whats due etc.
Which I guess is what a teacher does.

But there is something else I would rather have her do. :ihih:
CantGetAWii. Family forum. -.-
Ah, Miss Herrema...70 years old and her teaching was her lover...

We learned college level English things in middle school. So every time I feel the need to mock your grammar, you have her to thank. :)

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