My new teacher is named.....


Where is your god now?
Aug 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
ok, here is the deal.

My math teacher is going away on a maternity leave, so we are getting a replacement.

the problem is her name, i cant not laugh, im 17 years old, and yes, i find this hularious. call me immature, i dont really care

i dont know how im going to deal with this

her name is Mrs. Balls

i **** you not.

How am i going to keep a straight face the day she introduces herself? i dont want to get on her bad side.

Any suggestions as to how to keep my laughter in?

has anyone been in a situation like this before?

.......Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
My Geometry teacher's name is Mr. Hojatijou and he wants us to call him Mr. H.

1. What 1337endo said. Call her Ms.B
2. Switch out of that class.
3. Don't laugh at her name too much because if you piss her off she will bring Mr. Balls (if she's married) to kick your ass :p
I had a substitute Maths teacher called Miss Clitor. and she was fit. And me and all my class had basically just hit puberty.

true story.
Then I saw her in McDonalds a few years later and she was HUGE. :(
ok, here is the deal.

My math teacher is going away on a maternity leave, so we are getting a replacement.

the problem is her name, i cant not laugh, im 17 years old, and yes, i find this hularious. call me immature, i dont really care

i dont know how im going to deal with this

her name is Mrs. Balls

i **** you not.

How am i going to keep a straight face the day she introduces herself? i dont want to get on her bad side.

Any suggestions as to how to keep my laughter in?

has anyone been in a situation like this before?


Dude..:lol:.Well the looks of the name your probably not going to be the only one laughing.:lol:See im laughing.:lol:
Teachers I've had:
Mrs. Balls (yep same as you)
Mrs. Cuchi (Same year as Mrs. Balls)
Mr. Wood (Same year as previous two... first name... dick)

I'm not going to bother with the rest... that year can't be topped. The secret is when you hear the name to pretend you're just laughing with your friend. You might get snapped at, but no biggy.

Make sure to get it out of your system (jokes), but don't let any teachers overhear.
Sigh...i only had one funny name teacher.:/Ms.Kabooty.:lol:The rest were plain and normal.
So like most of the teachers that I have or are in my school get a nickname like
Ms. Lobao=Ms.Lobong
Mr. Villareal=Chinballs, Turkeyneck (his chin looked worse than Peter Griffins)
Mr. Azparren=Mr. Culosparren (Culo means ass in Spanish)
This annoying ugly teachers wife/assistant=The Creature
Mr. Hohatiju=Punji (he's middle eastern)
Ms. Williams=Betty White (I swear she looks like her)
Ms. Bowling=Ms. Blowing (she curses in class)
Ms. Blackwell=Bitchasswell (she's a ***** and gives me detentions)
Mr. West=John Goodman (he's fat like John Goodman)
Mr. Pate=Masterpate
Ms. Werra=Ms. Guera (that means that's she's a white woman)
Mr. Bradner=Pockets (he carried a dictionary on his pockets XD )

Oh and the list continues :p
When you're trying to get her attention, don't call her by name. Or just raise your hand til she gets to you. Don't call her by name.

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