Does anyone see anything wrong with a nineteen year old girl (almost twenty) having a 10pm curfew? Especially when she is entering into her second year of college. Gah! I hate my girlfriend's mother with a passion. I just need some feedback so that I know my feelings are justifiable. My girlfriend does well in school (fulltime), works part time, takes care of her five animals and takes care of her stepdad's ferrets because he doesn't. She obeys every stupid little rule they lay down on her and is your typical Cinderella story girl. She doesn't even drink or do any drugs. I just cannot see how her mother feels that a 10 o'clock curfew (as well as forbidding me from their home currently, as a punishment for being 2 minutes late the first night of the curfew) is necessary and appropriate. It's beginning to drive me nuts (its been in place for three weeks)... *sigh*