Alcoholism - The Worldwide Epidemic

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An Instant Classic
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
First off, Im not going to bore you with any fancy numbers, Im simply going to share my view on all alcohol in general. I realize that many of you dont have the time to read this lengthy thread, but I sincerely ask you to take the time if you can, because it is very important, whether you want to believe so or not.
I have never consumed alcohol in my life and I highly doubt I ever will. Recently, Ive been trying to think of reasons why people drink, and I could only think of two:
1. People think that they are better people, in whatever aspect(s), why'll drunk, or that drinking is necessary to have fun.
2. They drink to fit in. It is simply too hard to say "no."
Both of these reasons seem absolutely ridiculous to me. If you think that you are a better person why'll you are drunk, than what does that say about yourself? Honestly, why piss on your own personality like that? You are who you are, and you should be proud of that. You are just lowering your self esteem every time you use excuse #1.
#2, on the other hand, is a flat out lie. I am a prime example. I get asked to drink on a regular basis, and I say no on a regular basis. I will admit that the first time is the hardest, simply because your friends dont expect it, but the more and more you say no, the easier and easier it becomes. In fact, nowadays my friends dont even ask me to, and I take great pride in that. We all sit around and have a great time why'll they drink their beer and I drink my coke, and they respect me for that.

But Im not here to lecture you to stop drinking, Im here to inform you.

Some of you may have noticed me asking people around WiiChat if and why they drink. Its nothing personal, and its not meant to discorage you, I am legitimatly curious. I have asked MANY people these same questions, and in most cases, after they give me either excuse number 1 or 2, they say "Hey, why would you care? It doesnt harm anyone but me." Even after hearing that response dozens of times, it still shocks me each and every time. Are you people oblivious to the number of innocent lives that are killed on the road, that are beaten at home every single night, or the number of lives that have been ruined due to drinking?
Driving drunk is an obvious reason not to drink, but this doesnt stop people from drinking because they tell themselves they wont drive home. But what about that one night when you couldnt get a ride and you told yourself "Okay, just this once." Sure, you made it home okay but its only a matter of time until somebody with the same mindset kills you on the road, or better yet, until you kill someone else and have to live with that guilt for the rest of your life.
There are, however, a few less obvious reasons. Less common, but equally devestating are the number of men who go home each night and beat their wives or children. These situations commonly ruin the lives of families. Not only does the man have to live with himself for the rest of his life, but the woman and children will be mentally scared for life, and they will find it hard to trust anyone.
Depression also takes a toll on heavy drinkers. This causes them to drink even more, which in turn causes them to become more depressed. Its a never-ending pattern that, sadly enough, ends with suicide. That is, if you dont get help.

The few people that have read through this entire thread my find themselves asking "Why is this kid on such a rant?" The inspiration for this thread came from the recent 'Smoking Bans' in the Dayton Ohio area. The public has been told that the reason for these bans are due to second hand smoke. Dont get me wrong, Im not a fan of smoking either, but smoking is nothing compared to the problems that drinking causes.
Sure, smoking might take a few years off your life, but when was the last time you heard of a guy driving off the side of a road and killing himself because he was smoking and driving? Or the little kid that was killed in a car accident with a smoker? How about the guy that goes home and beats his family every night after going out and smoking with his friends? IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

The reason I dont drink is because of the goals in my life, which many of you are aware of. I will not allow myself to risk losing all of my hard work and dedication. Ive worked to get where I am at, and Im proud of it. Too proud to throw it all away now.

Next time your out drinking, think of this thread. Heed my advice. Because if you dont, its only a matter of time.
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Some people drink because it tastes good.
In many parts of the world breastfeeding woman drink beer to help the milk flow.
Wine has many positive health effects. Only in overuse does it become harmful
In the past beer was the cleanest thing you could drink (the water was too dirty)

After reading they might close the original Guinness plant yesterday I wanted a pint. Now I'm reminded again... yumm.

You should focus your attention on caffeine. It is abused by nearly everyone.
I drink for fun. It just makes things more enjoyable. I am responsible when drinking though, I only drink in a place where I can stay over night so nobody has to drive, and I usually don't do many stupid things. I'm not going to drive or beat anybody, I am responsible enough to control myself. I'm not becoming any more depressed by drinking, and it often helps when you are depressed by allowing you to forget about your problems. Smoking (tobacco) kills enough people from them just smoking it that it doesn't have to kill people in other ways. If you smoke, it is eventually going to kill you, but you can drink responsibly without dying from it. If you don't want to drink that is your choice and I respect that, but I'm not going to stop just because some people don't drink responsibly. IMO everyone should be allowed to do whatever drugs they want, as long as it isn't effecting anyone else.

Edit: Ciper, what the hell is caffeine going to do to you? Not too much.
I drink ocassionally, and i drink because it feels good. The same reason anyone takes a mind altering substance.

The same reason people have sex, The same reason people eat tasty foods.

But all things that make you feel good, must be done in moderation.

But some people are incapable of being responsible with there alcohol consumption, and other consume alchohol to forget problems. These are pre cursors to addiction.
sorry i tried to read througha ll of it but i am tired, i read at least a couple of sentences from each paragraph

okay have three things to say to this

the first) my and my friends drink to have fun, no we don't think it is necessary to have fun but it hads flavor to our night, playing warioware while drunk makes the game more fun imo, we could have fun playing warioware sober, but being drunk enhances the fun

second) even though this dosn't compare to drinking and driving, (drinking and driving causes 25% of all deaths that have to do with driving) but people drop their cigarettes on the ground all the time, making them have to duck and get it, i know my friend's dad did this.

third) i really don't see how drinking on a saturday night let's say every two weeks are going to destroy your goals
lol wondering when you were putting this up.

ok i thought you were against alcohol because of health reasons. Now that i read you post ( in its entirety) I see what you think about the subject.

Heres my 2 cents about your opinion. All of the reasons you were saying it is bad was because of Death like Drunk driving and how people act while drunk.
I dont see this as "alcohol's" fault. This is the fault of that person and it is completely their responsibility to take the right actions while consuming alcohol.
While i agree with your first statement a little it isnt comepltely true. Some people Try alcohol to fit in and find out they like it.
Does everyone drink Soda because it looks cool? No
They drink it because it tastes good.
So to many people alcohol tastes good and they enjoy having it. This doesnt mean you should get flatass drunk all the time.
I know people who drink like they drink soda, they are never drunk they just have a beer or two everyday.
My opinion on alcohol follows my opinion on Firearms. it is the persons responsibility.
" Guns dont kill people, People kill people"

I take that to the same effect.
Drinks another Carling

Whats worng with mii drinking in moderation
DRINKING IS THE BOMB!...just don't do it excessively on daily occasions and I think its fine. And to Ciper, you are right, lots of people drink because of the taste. Thats a very good reason all together!
paintba||er said:

Edit: Ciper, what the hell is caffeine going to do to you? Not too much.

Hey i think he meant the "Abused" part.
Maybe as in Thousands of people use way too much and are very dependant on it. People dont get enough sleep and depend on Caffiene daily.
I mean its a common phrase
" im just having a bad morning because i didnt get my coffee"

Or something like that, thats bad! your life , mood, and attitude shouldnt depend on something like that.
I really think most of its psychological too and its bullshit. I know people ( mostly girls) who have an energy drink and go crazy and say " im hyper i had an energy drink!! rahhh"
This is simply psychological and lack of self control, i think the same thing goes on with caffeine.
I drink Energy drinks all the time and im perfectly fine i dont change whatsoever, i like them because i like their taste.
People need to learn some self control and stop being so arrogant.
Lol that turned into a Rant but i think thats something like what he meant.
bahah, i hate cofee but i drink energy drinks 24/7 i had 2 red bulls today, but that's because i just hate sleep, i hate going to sleep....especially if i know i have somethign i should do, why sleep when i could surf the interweb
however i did sleep today after school for a good 4 hours
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meh ive driven in far worse states then drunk, i would never do it again but like everyone said they drink because its fun. i only drink on the weekends to get drunk. and i will have a beer or glass of wine depending on the dinner. it seems to me like your only reasons for not drinking are your own insecurities. what are you afraid of ? if you were responsible and mature enough to handle drinking then you would drink.
chach said:
if you were responsible and mature enough to handle drinking then you would drink.


Even when drunk (this rarely happens) I am still me

(appart from the drunken master kung-fu bits)
unliek prinny, i disagree, i mean there are multiple reasons why people would not drink rather than thinking they wouldn't be responsible, i.e. maybe somebody got so drunk one time, and now the second alchy touches their tongue they puke, or maybe they aren't healthy and alchohol would **** **** up in their body
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