To Drink, or To Eat?

i would rather drink than eat

you can get all the essential vitamins in drinks jsut as you can with food :) its just good for the stomach to get a healthy well balanced meal to eat

however i can live off orange juice, cranberry juice, v8 splash, ect good stuff :)
Hmm... think I'd go with... food? No.. drink..? I dunno >.<

I'm full atm and I'm pretty thirsty, so at the moment I'm saying drink lol.. but I'll end up saying food at some point
I have about 3-4 drinks(non-alcoholic) a day

...and so I choose drinking.
If I have access to every type of amazing delicious food then I will choose food over drinking. I'd have to choose drinking over any 1 specific type of food though.
I would go with drink, but only if the supply was unlimited and it was smoothies. Obviously food has more variety but it isn't really that essential, and I take like a hundred years to chew everything to a mushed up purée.