All Things Hockey

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  • #166
Had to be posted...

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  • #168
Luongo doesn't sleep... he waits.

Some wear Superman pajamas.... Kipper wears Luongo pajamas.

Luongo lost his virginity before his dad did.

On the 7th day God rested... Luongo took over.

Luongo can shoot a plane down by holding up his stick and yelling "BANG!"

Luongo is Luke Skywalkers real father.

Luongo is the reason why waldo is hiding.

Luongo counted to infinity. twice.

Luongo's glove hand is the only one that can beat a Royal Flush.

When the boogyman goes to sleep everynight... he checks his closet for Luongo.

Icey-hot is not strong enough for Luongo. After each game he rubs his muscles with liquid MAGMA

The bible was originaly named "Luongo and Friends"

Luongo was what Willis was talkin about.

When God said "let there be light" Luongo said "Say please."

Luongo puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. Except after he goes and shuts ppl out.

In a fight between Bieksa and Iginla you know who the winner would be? Luongo.

In the words of Julius Caesar: "Veni, Vidi, Vici, Luongo". Translation: "I came, I saw, i was shut out by Luongo".

Roberto Luongo can slam revolving doors.
Babies cry when they are born, because they know they will have to live

alongside Roberto Luongo.

The last digit of pi is Luongo.

Roberto Luongo finished the "Song that Never Ends". Twice.

If you want a list of Roberto Luongo's enemies, just check the extinct species list.

Roberto Luongo doesn't believe in Calgary.

Roberto Luongo once won a game of Connect Four in three moves.

Jesus keeps his save percentage a secret because of Roberto Luongo.

Luongo saved Jesus. Twice.

Luongo's Tears Cure cancer. Too bad He's never cried

Luongo ate the forbidden fruit and threw God out of Eden

Luongo could strangle you with a cordless phone

Luongo can hit two birds with no stones

Life doesn't give Luongo lemons. Life asks him which fruit he wants.

If at first you don't succeed, you are not Roberto Luongo.

Luongo once visited the virgin islands now they are known as the islands

The province of BC will change its name to Luongo, and the residents are called "Luongoians.

The Trinity actualy consists of God (father), Jesus (Son), and Luongo.

One look at Luongo heals your growling stomach.

The real cause of global warming is actually because of Luongo's rise to superstardom.

Luongo doesn't need protection....Protection needs Luongo!

If theres a fruit that tastes like an apple, looks like an apple and feels like an apple but Luongo says its an orange, its an orange

Curiousity didnt kill the cat, Luongo did.

1,2 Luongos coming for you.
3,4 He's at your door.
5,6 He's gonna break your sticks.
7,8 He never hesitates.
9,10 Luongo decended from Heaven.
11, 12 Don't even try the top shelf.

Once Luongo's teammates all got held up in traffic so he was forced to start the game by himself. When his teammates finally arrived, they were winning 3-0.

Cam Ward prayed to Luongo, Dwayne Roloson didn't.

Luongo was traded out of Florida because the other Eastern teams banded together and threatened Mike Keenan's livelihood. Luongo could have protected him, but nobody likes Mike Keenan.

The Flash once believed that he was quick enough to score on Luongo. Now he knows better.

Before every game, the opposing teams players state their cases with Luongo as to why they NEED to score a goal. Upon hearing their testimonies and weighing the Canucks place in the standings, Luongo decides who he will allow to score that night.

Knowing the Canucks will finish 3rd in the standings, the Calgary Flames decide to try and drop to 7th by losing their last game. Luongo learns this and pays the other team to score on themselves. No one runs from Roberto Luongo.

Luongo was once asked how he would cope with the loss of a family member. He responded "resurrection".

As a teen, Roberto Luongo had sex with every nun in a convent tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional sports history.

Roberto Luongo built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Luongo met all three bullets with his glove, catching them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

Luongo sleeps with a nightlight, hes not afraid of the dark the darks afraid of him.

When Luongo would rather save the world from nuclear holocaust than play a game, he puts a cardboard cutout of himself in the net. The image of Luongo is enough to stop the puck.

Luongo does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it.

Luongo can drown a fish

Luongo's dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Luongo will not take crap from anyone

Luongo can build a snowman out of rain

Luongo's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Luongo

The Greek pronunciation of Luongo is Zeus

Luongo died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.

Don't be fooled. Only Luongo can prevent forest fires.

Everybody loves Crosby...except Roberto Luongo.

Roberto Luongo doesn't need a gameclock, HE decides how much time is left.

The phrase 'dead ringer' refers to a player who dares to ring a shot off of Luongo's goalposts.

There are two types of goalies in the world... goalies that suck, and Roberto Luongo.

Q - What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object?

Luongo can stop a player in a shootout by holding up his stick and yelling "BANG!"

Luongo is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his glove and stick.

Hockey teams don't relocate cities because of financial trouble. they relocate so they never have to play against Luongo!

Cry Havoc and Let loose the Dogs of war, Is a reference to Luongo's Glove, Leg pads and Blocker.

No one is above the law. Why? Luongo is the law.

A strand of Superman's hair can hold up 1000 lbs. A strand of Luongo's hair can tackle Superman, tie him up and make him cry for mercy.

Roberto Luongo was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.

When Roberto Luongo was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Roberto Luongo.

when luongo wakes up the sun rises

luongo owns the nhl's mvp award. he just allows one person a year to have it for one day.

Luongo doesnt watch the TV, the TV watches Luongo.

So they may be rewrites of old Chuck Norris jokes....Some still happen to be good..

Off topic: For those of you who may be wondering I'm not Syntax from
my emails not working, but im still posting my bracket in time:
New Jersey
New Jersey​
NY Rangers
San Jose​
San Jose​
San Jose

San Jose​
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Nah you got something wrong there Canucks will beat the Sharks if goes there. It's ok you probably just wrote the wrong thing so you just need to edit your post and make the Canucks champs no big deal:thumbsup: lol
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  • #173
Sharks are beating the Predators 1-0. Still in the first I believe.

Canucks game tonight @ 7:00 pm pacific against the Stars
Hey all Canucks fans lets start a tradition for this year wear a shirt/jersey and or hat on everygame!!
Sarai_132 said:
Hey all Canucks fans lets start a tradition for this year wear a shirt/jersey and or hat on everygame!!

If you don't already do that, you can't be considered a fan. I've got my Cheechoo shirt on right now.
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  • #176
Hey all Canucks fans lets start a tradition for this year wear a shirt/jersey and or hat on everygame!!

Umm most people already do that..

SJ and NP game is tied at two...

Cheecho may be injured..knee on knee collision..
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4-2 after 2 in Nashville, but Cheech's knee got banged up. hope he's okay :scared:
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  • #178
That was a horrible call. Hartnall didn't deseve a five min major and a game misconduct for that knee on knee collision. It was obviously a mistake seeing as they were both trying to get back to the play and hartnall happpened to knee him accidentally as he was going by.
Syntax said:
That was a horrible call. Hartnall didn't deseve a five min major and a game misconduct for that knee on knee collision. It was obviously a mistake seeing as they were both trying to get back to the play and hartnall happpened to knee him accidentally as he was going by.

there has been WAY too many whistles tonight, nashville got jipped on a diving call, and the sharks got too many men when nashville threw it at their bench. the refs just don't want to lose their jobs.