Board For Those Who Are Not Posting Because No-one Else Is Board

The life orb set, is for a mixed, four good moves kinda build, and lord knows I love mixed sets....

The thing is, I just cant put my heart to life orb on tar, I realy love mixed mence with life orb, but he gets it doesnt feel that bad....much like salemence's intimidate, tar's sand stream, acts like a special intmidate, so they may not be more apart than I thought...HUMN...
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I say Life Orb it, Mixed and not really reliable on a set up, maybe 2 Dragon Dances at most and you have life orb and the 50% plus Sp. def. Why not just Rock Polish with the Orb?

If using the Orb, and the opponent realizes, they could taunt you on something resistant and heal off the damage when your TTars fainted, or even blocking you, like a Bronzong (Levitating), but that would be rare im sure.
Life Orb does seem like an interesting Item.. however it seems pretty risky. Getting a little extra attack at the cost of HP could be rough... Plus if the opponent notices, they might just send out a Wall to keep you down until you're out of HP... but then again the Orbs and the Choice items are ones that I've never tried using.
Happiness is easy.

Yes, this will be a semi long-ish rant, but it will be broken into parts, however, I do this to hopefully get a laugh or two out of Judge and Fox, and whoever passes by, but if I get a smile from one of them, success... ie... This is for entertainment.

Windows Error
About sometime on Thursday night, windows decided to treat me to a whole new kind of torture that I had not yet experanced. Every time I attempt to load something through windows explorer, I find my self crashing it. No error message, nothing. Try to open C:// drive, crash. Try to access my external hardrive, Crash. Not all of vista, just explorer, so I then manually re open explorer. This is a mildly annoying problem, causing me to not really be able to save much, or work on some documents I need to do [the open/save as, accesses explorer, then crashes] so I have found the joys of scanning for any sort of bug fixer, bot destroyer, and windows patch. Thus far, nothing, I know their will be a patch released on the 11th... I'm debating just opening up the emergency partition on the hardrive and just restoring back to factory settings...Which I need to do, come summer, once I get it all backed up...Ideas gents? [no, this doesnt make me angered at Gate's system, all OS's have bugs, and a Vista bug...doesn't suprise or worry me, I just want to get it fixed, oh, and this is the non funny one]


I believe we all have are secret nerd fetishes. That one thing we love beyond all others. Sure, we still stuff small digital monsters in red and white balls, but to me, that is just the constant happiness of nerdom. And I will admit, I love playing magic the gathering, but that is competition, I adore a good night round the table of d&d, but that is socializing and story telling, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that I do in fact have a light saber and had jedi powers, and I am a furrie, but not the bad kind just the placid calm sort, or have a certain idolization of MacGyver, or have deep longing to jump inside the cockpit and fly a gundam, and I do wait hoping and praying for the next game of a certain hillian fellow who has a triangle fetish, but that is the only other love that compares.....

But is that my nerdy secret? No...thats actually common knowledge.

My hero of heros, shared in a hallowed mental hall standing beside link and MacGyver, Is a man who triumphed in complete fictitious glory, being a true man among men, wooing beautiful women, fighting obviously evil villains, having the most legendary theme music of all time, [spolier free thus far eh?] Who am I speaking of?


Thats right kids. Before any and all other fandoms, I am, an Indiana Jones fan boy. I wish I could be as bad ass as Harrison ford in any movie, let alone the greatest action hero of any time...just thinking that they are finely adding another movie to the series, another chapter (beyond the games, which are fairly unplayable...but good, and the books...oddly satisfying), to see more nazi smacking, artifact saveing, damsel wooing action....yea, I want it.

He looks more like old guy Indy, which, is FINE, not every hero needs to be in the utmost prime of life [minor problem with casino royal for that reason, but not much, I like a middle aged bond, shows some weakness, makes the character more believable, but showing early bond makes since to, lack of experance]. Indy has already, a robust time line, stuff happening as child, teen, young adult, adult, and even geriatric Indy [93-year-old Jones works as a Museum Coordinator, telling stories]

If thats not enough, then enplane this sweet sweet action.

Yes. Yes. 9 Thousand times Yes.

One part steampunkish, one part nazi beating, one part pure distilled awsome.
Im gunna go buy a fedora to wear while playing this game....
and while takeing out the trash...
and while makeing love...
"Do you have to wear that hat in bed dear" "Yes honey, I do."


In at least wii chat. Fox is my Edgeworth, Judge is my...Judge? We all seem to be against each other on the same side, proving our points while furthering our goals, but this is not my point.

The adventure game, is a dying breed. What was once the golden child of PC gaming with such gems as Adventure Island, Toonstruck, Day of the tentacle, and others, fell to the onslaught of the FPS. Adventure games are hard, and really only make since if you know the way the writer is thinking, and you understand it. With the loss of this genera, we played through games of mediocre story, praying for something good once again.

Phenoix Wright, you are right, you have reborn a dead genera. So few are their, of truly amazing story, and point and click games. [Minor note, Syberia I and II on the pc/x-box, should be mandatory play material, good story, good acting, and beautiful]. In terms of gameplay, you may be bland, but I think of you more as my manga with sound effects....oh, what glorious sound effects...


Also, am I the only one here who really wants to jump Mia Fey...
Or actually do phoenix wright cosplay?
I think it would be fun.

I had something else I wanted to fuss about that was much funnier...but I guess I'm outa steam....Im gunna play some brawl now...hope theirs a chuckle their somewhere.
[In Edgeworth voice]

You seem to be quite a lot like me, only with much longer, more intriguing posts, Strype.

I saw Indiana Jones as the adventurer to end the adventurers. He looked so good, anything else was "Oooh, that's cool...ahh, but who cares..." Tomb Raider
Meh, I'm Sonic more than anything. I'm busy too, I worry a lot, and am on the verge of becoming a psycho because of it but that's OK, everyone loves the furry psycho. =3

I named my Shiny male Luxray Ren-Kun and shiny female Floatzel Roze.
If you're a fan of furry/pokemon erotica comics, you'll know those names.
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  • #576
[In Judge Voice…]

Where do I begin.

Usually when I am through with a fixation of a random game(this year(s) Pokemon DP, Post to the last Pokemon game i've played being Gold), I cut ties, but this is simply entertaining to keep posting until you two are no more.

As far as the "We are all on the same team, against each other", I could not have classified us better myself, though I believe Strype & Fox are more on one side with me standing alone, versus a three-way.

In reference to Fox's comment which was in refe
rence to Strypes "Steam" behind his posts, I don't feel the need to exercise my intellect nor do I care to waste the effortless time.

lmao to Windows problems and Indiana Jones, for lack of better words, is so lame. I have no fascination with him, but won't put you two down for the interest in the Plain Jane loser(I can think of better fictional adventurous idols). The word "Bored" comes to mind at the thought of the remake with Shia LeBouf, In which being the ONLY reason for getting within 2 miles of a Theater to watch it, because I enjoy Shia LeBouf as a young actor along with Lindsay Lohan as his counter part and also a tremendous actress in my eyes, but that's beside the point and an issue I do not want further stressed for my defensive nature of Lindsay Lohan.

In wake of game, I know not what the hell you speak of. I rarely enjoyed the monotnous pleasure of PC gaming, but RPG is for me; Final Fantasy, MapleStory(Online MMORPG that suprisingly overcomes you with a bliss oblivion to being a semi PC game) I do not consider it a PC game.

"In Summer" by Cao Fang :Listening To
aka "(During) Summer"
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Trading my '83 Thunderbird for a '00ish Lincoln Town Car with cracked windows.
Bum + Ritz = Fox!!!
But an 83 t-bird is so stylin....
Then again, I have a soft spot for the posh of the Lincoln town car
No kidding, no freaking kidding.
So, faux, and anyone else who still lurks moar here, what the heck is up
Not a lot.
Pokemon-wise, nothing at all. I havnt turned that game on in quite some time. Not because i don't like it anymore or anything, but the irresistableforce known as Disgaea has it's grip on me.
Anything with you.
Eh, Ive kept up with it all, but not done anything in ages.
TU people are begging me to start writing again...
Got kicked outa school, unemployed, shitty economy, AND health issues (minor for me, larger for mom) but, im not playing the pitty card mind you....

MMOs seem to chew on my free time again...

i lost my net, ill try to get back asap, -.-

anyone play Diablo 2 LoD ? :p

hai everyone ._.

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