Broken DVD drive in wii =/


WiiChat Member
Mar 2, 2009
My dad threw my Wii on the ground after taking it and so he gave it back to me today and I tried to turn it on and when I did loud sounds were coming from the spinning disc, it worked except for the DVD drive, so I opened it up and here is what happens now when I opened it up, I alreayd unscrewed the drive and took it off but I put it back on for this vid. I just need to know if all I need to do is replace the DVD drive and no the whole thing because my dad is paying for it and the game if it's scratched up which i think it is but I can't get it out, should I unscrew the drive it self to get the drive out? Thanks!

Also could there be anything else broken? When he threw it on the ground I told him thanks for breaking the DVD drive but he didn't believe me and still doesn't believe me.

[ame=""]YouTube video here[/ame]
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Oh and should I unscrew the drive to get my game out? Hopefully it wont be ruined. . .
I don't think the drive is actually a DVD player....It sounds like your head is broken on the reader....I have no clue where you may find the drive to purchase by itself...
not good at all
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You are a noob

Yes the drive inside the Wii is a DVD drive and you can get parts for alot of video game systems from that is where you can get Wii replacement parts and PSP parts, I buy from there to fix peoples consoles.
You are a noob

Yes the drive inside the Wii is a DVD drive and you can get parts for alot of video game systems from that is where you can get Wii replacement parts and PSP parts, I buy from there to fix peoples consoles.

Not a good way to get peoples help around here btw... calling them a 'noob' and all when they offer a suggestion to you.

I don't know a lot about the drives..... but my best guess is that due to the shock of hitting the ground the lens may be damaged/not aligned. An old cd player of mine made that sound before it died on me, it never read another disc. However.... if you do replace the drive and it is successful, I'd like to know.
You are a noob

Yes the drive inside the Wii is a DVD drive and you can get parts for alot of video game systems from that is where you can get Wii replacement parts and PSP parts, I buy from there to fix peoples consoles.

Well then, Mr. Know-it-All, why are you posting questions on here if you already have the answers? Also, 'alot' is not a real word, Professor. It's no wonder your dad threw your Wii on the floor.
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Well then, Mr. Know-it-All, why are you posting questions on here if you already have the answers? Also, 'alot' is not a real word, Professor. It's no wonder your dad threw your Wii on the floor.

I posted here to ask if there was anything I could do to fix it, I've spent hours and hours searching google but can't find anything. Yes I know "alot" is not a real word. I was just a bit mad that he did it, he did it because I wouldn't let my annoying brother, who's two years younger then me, play it.
so your brother wanted to play the wii, and then your dad threw it on the ground. sounds logical.

if you buy parts from DE to fix others consoles, then why can't you fix your own?
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so your brother wanted to play the wii, and then your dad threw it on the ground. sounds logical.

if you buy parts from DE to fix others consoles, then why can't you fix your own?

*facepalm* This is the first time I had ever had to repair my Wii so I posted to see if there was anything to do, and I've tried everything and it still doesn't work so I now have to buy a new one from DE.
*facepalm* This is the first time I had ever had to repair my Wii so I posted to see if there was anything to do, and I've tried everything and it still doesn't work so I now have to buy a new one from DE.

You should have done that from the beginning, instead of coming here and instantly wearing out your welcome. :frown2:
you should prly throw the wii at your dad for throwing it.
or you could mail it to me. while you're at it, you can mail me your dad social security number.

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